Girlstart and the Google Science Fair Launch Special 2012 Edition of Destember on Google+



Girlstart, in its continued efforts to empower and equip girls in STEM education, is partnering with the Google Science Fair for a special DeSTEMber program – featuring 31 days of fun, innovative STEM activities in December. The program will be hosted on the Google+ Pages of Girlstart and The Google Science Fair and on the program’s official website,

DeSTEMber will feature daily activities and experiments – many hosted by special guests including National Geographic, CERN, Scientific American and AccuWeather – that can be done at home with common household items. Experiments include making a tornado in a jar, bending water, making a lava lamp, making soap, and other fun, hands-on projects which engage young learners while integrating STEM education principles.

Google+ will be the hub for the month-long celebration of STEM. Students and adults will be able to practice experiments and chat live with Girlstart, representatives and finalists of the Google Science Fair and special guests using Google+ Hangouts.

“By creating DeSTEMber last year, we created a place for girls to go and stay engaged with STEM learning during a time of year when school is out of session,” said Tamara Hudgins, executive director for Girlstart. “It provides a great opportunity for hands-on learning outside of the classroom, and we created an online program with that inquiry and discovery process in mind.”

“Bringing Google+ into the equation allows us to enrich and expand DeSTEMber even further,” added Julie Shannan, Girlstart Deputy Director. “Not only can participants use Google+ to compare notes and collaborate, but we’re able to conect girls interested in STEM careers to women working in the STEM field.”

Those interested in following DeSTEMber can follow the #DeSTEMber hashtag on Google+ and Twitter leading up to and throughout the month of December, and also visit and subscribe to Girlstart’s and The Google Science Fair’s Google+ Page. Every day during the month of December, Girlstart will post an article featuring that day’s featured activity, complete with materials list, embedded video/photos, and links to photo albums and external web properties. Many times throughout DeSTEMber, special guests will host exclusive experiments and participants can join live Google+ Hangouts (video chats) to interact with the host.

About Girlstart
Girlstart’s mission is to increase girls’ interest and engagement in STEM through innovative, nationally-recognized, informal STEM education programs. By empowering more girls to continue STEM studies, we can help address our nation’s STEM workforce inequities and impact innovation and economic development in America and across the globe.

Founded in Austin, Texas, in 1997, Girlstart is the only community-based informal STEM education nonprofit in the nation specifically dedicated to empowering and equipping girls in STEM through year-round STEM educational programming. To accomplish its mission, Girlstart develops and implements a range of innovative, research- and standards-based education and mentorship programs designed to promote girls’ early engagement and academic success in STEM, encourage girls’ aspirations and persistence in STEM education and careers, and incubate a talented and diverse STEM workforce.

About the Google Science Fair
As part of its commitment to STEM education, Google launched the Google Science Fair in 2011. The Google Science Fair has since grown into the largest online science competition in the world, with 13-18 year-old students from over 100 countries submitting thousands of science projects this year. Twenty-one students representing fifteen top finalist projects spent four days visiting the company’s headquarters in California, where they presented their projects to esteemed scientists, including nobel prize winners and specialists from Google Science Fair partners, CERN, LEGO, National Geographic and Scientific American. Google selected top prizes in each age group, including a grand prize winner and this year introduced the Science in Action Award sponsored by Scientific American for the project with the greatest community impact. The next Google Science Fair is just around the corner; it will launch in January 2013 at

Game Changers, Celebrates Women in STEM Careers

GIRLSTART, is Closing the Gap for Girls with “Game Changing” After-School Programs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 12, 2012

Kimberly Strenk
Kimberly Strenk PR, Inc.

AUSTIN, Texas (September 12, 2012) – STEM education is no longer the provenance

of the economically privileged or predominantly male school age student. Girlstart is

disrupting the traditional pathway to a liberal arts education by delivering girl-focused,

relevant STEM education that appeals to girls from all walks of life. By upending long-

held stereotypes of science nerds, tech geeks, engineering loners and math dorks,

Girlstart has created a new path of educational advancement that enables access to

technology, and embraces critical thinking and problem solving.

Girlstart empowers girls through hands-on learning in STEM activities. No lab coats

needed. Girlstart STEM education is fun, colorful and interactive. According to two

U.S. Department of Commerce studies, “STEM: Good Jobs Now and For the Future”

and “Women in STEM: An Opportunity and an imperative,” growth in STEM jobs in the

past ten years was three times higher than non-STEM jobs. They also found that women

represent less than a quarter of the STEM workforce. Another study, “Why So Few?,”

by The American Association of University Women also revealed that while women

earn almost 50 percent of America’s bachelor-level degrees, fewer than 20 percent of

STEM degrees are earned by women. This discrepancy points to the fact that women

hold a disproportionately low share of STEM undergraduate degrees, particularly in

engineering disciplines. But can young girls – especially those from disadvantaged

school districts – really gain a foothold into STEM careers?

According to current participants in Girlstart After School programs, the answer is a

resounding yes. “Ortega teachers serve a student population that is 97 percent low

income. We are so grateful for the Girlstart After School program. Girlstart gives girls

the tools and positive experiences that inspire them to not only build those windows

of opportunity, but also to design them!” stated Anna Pedroza, Ph.D. and principal of

Ortega Elementary School located in the Austin Independent School District.

Girlstart Game Changers is a fundraising event designed to offset the costs of these

Girlstart After School programs for the 2012-2013 academic school year. This translates

to over 600 girls in over 30 schools throughout Texas. No other comparable STEM

programs in the country have been able to scale their curriculum to meet the needs of

so many. The current after-school programs for 3rd – 7th grades services 100 percent

girls; with over 70 percent of participants from economically disadvantaged homes.

Nationwide, the Girlstart After School program has not only been recognized as an

exemplar of STEM education, but also for delivering best practices in out-of-school

programs to at-risk students.

The Game Changers fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 from

11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center on

The University of Texas at Austin campus. As the keynote speaker, Richelle Parham,

Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of eBay North America, will touch on the

importance of mentoring in helping girls and women advance. “I’ve been an advocate

for women’s mentorship throughout my career, and have benefitted tremendously from

the insights and inspiration of successful women leaders, especially in the technology

business. I’m committed to sharing what I’ve learned to help build awareness for the

advantages of early STEM-focused education for girls,” according to Ms. Parham.

In addition to the keynote address from Ms. Parham, Shree Bose, the first winner of

the Google Global Science Fair, will be on hand to share her first-hand experiences as a

young game changer.

To learn more about Girlstart, make a donation or sponsor a table at the event, visit or call (512) 916-4775.

About Us

Girlstart’s mission is to empower girls in science, technology, engineering and math

(STEM). Founded in 1997 in Austin, Texas, Girlstart is one of the few community-based

informal education programs in the nation specifically dedicated to empowering and

equipping K–12 girls in STEM. Girlstart develops and implements a range of innovative,

research-based education and mentorship programs designed to promote girls’ early

engagement and academic success in STEM, encourage postsecondary aspirations and

persistence in the STEM pipeline among women and other under-represented groups,

and develop a diverse STEM workforce for the 21st century.

Change the Equation Recognizes Girlstart’s Programs



Girlstart only educational organization to have two programs recognized, only 20 selected nationwide as models for STEM education

(AUSTIN) – Girlstart, in its continued efforts to empower and equip girls in STEM
(science, technology, engineering, and math) education, is proud to announce it
is one of a select group of educational organizations to be honored by Change
the Equation. Its summer camp program and after school program are just two of
21 programs that Change the Equation designated as model programs for STEM

Change the Equation is a CEO-led initiative involving more than 100 leading American corporations, seeking to make STEM education a priority for American educators. The consortium just launched its first-ever STEM Works Database for release, highlighting STEM programs they feel serve as examples of effective STEM education, which met the standards of a rigorous external review from WestEd.

“We’re honored to be part of this group of educators,” said Tamara Hudgins,
executive director of Girlstart. “This recognition is the result of years of work,
in which we’ve developed and refined our curriculum to be as fun and as
educationally relevant to girls as possible. Change the Equation, with its STEM
Works Database, is become an increasingly important voice in improving and
developing STEM education, and we’re honored to be aligned with them through
this project.”

The recognition from Change the Equation comes on the heels of several other
initiatives and projects Girlstart’s been involved with this summer. Girlstart
principals recently participated in the US News STEM Solutions Conference
and the 9th Annual Games for Change Conference, and NASA recently
announced Girlstart was part of a select group of educational organizations
receiving a multi-year grant to fund programs serving girls in Central Texas and
throughout the nation.

The just-launched website database, which includes the scores from WestEd’s
evaluation of all the programs, is available at: