Science and Technology of Zookeeping

G+ Hangout with Rick Schwartz on 12.27

Photo Courtesy of Rick Schwartz Google+

Join Rick Schwartz and an animal friend or two at the San Diego Zoo for our second #DeSTEMber hangout on air. This one is all about how science and technology are part of the everyday work of a zookeeper. Whether caring for animals or out in the field assisting in conservation, science and technology are right there with them.

Tomorrow, Thursday – DeSTEMber 27th at 1:00pm CST.

For information about the Google+ Hangout click HERE.

Making Milk Move

Courtesy of Steve Spangler

Photo Courtesy of Steve Spangler Science

It’s an explosion of color! Some very unusual things happen when you mix a little milk, food coloring, and a drop of liquid soap. Use this experiment to amaze your friends and uncover the scientific secrets of soap.

Materials for today:

  • Milk (whole or 2%)
  • Dinner plate
  • Food coloring (red, yellow, green, blue)
  • Dish-washing soap (Dawn brand works well)
  • Cotton swabs

For activity details click HERE.

Activity courtesy of Steve Spangler Science.