Women in Engineering Program

From The University of Texas at Austin Google+ Hangout


Women in Aerospace for Leadership Development (WIALD) at The University of Texas at Austin will be doing an activity from the Emmy-award winning PBS kids television series SciGirls called Parachute Parade. The student organization Women in Aerospace for Leadership and Development will showcase a video as they say farewell to the weather balloon Bevo the Dragon.

Join these fabulous female, college role models today at 10:00am CST. Watch live here!

Check out our Hangout on Air with Women in Aerospace for Leadership Development (WIALD) at The University of Texas at Austin!

Keeping Warm

If you could wear a jacket underneath your skin to keep you warm, would you? Discover how whales use their blubber as an insulator to protect them from the freezing ocean temperatures. Explore the cause and effect of heat transfer as you experiment with your very own blubber!

Click Here for DeSTEMber Activity!

For our Central Texas audience, join Girlstart for a free, frosty DeSTEMber Fest Extravaganza to kickoff DeSTEMber this afternoon from noon-3:00pm at the Bullock Texas State History Museum. Explore polar bears, seals, reindeer and more Extreme Mammals* characteristics and traits. The whole family will discover the mysteries behind this magical time of year with snowflake chemistry, train construction, fluffy snow and more hands-on fun!

*Museum admission required for Extreme Mammals exhibit.