DeSTEMber Materials List

Activities for the week of December 8th-14th 2014

Here are the materials for the second week of deSTEMber:

12.08 – Coding Is Our Scratch
12.09 – LEGO Language
12.10 – Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
12.11 – Lightbot
12.12 – Edible Aquifer
12.13 – Exploding Toothpaste
12.14 – Invisible Sunblock

12.08 – Coding Is Our Scratch
Computer (with internet access)
Scratch account from

12.09 – LEGO Language
LEGO baggies (two identical baggies with the exact same number of pieces of each size and color of LEGO in each bag)

12.10 – Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
Computer (with internet access)
Google Earth: can be downloaded at

12.11 – Lightbot
Computer (with internet access)
Play Lightbot at the following website:

12.12 – Edible Aquifer
1 plastic cup
Crushed ice
Blue food coloring
Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate cookie crumbs
Green sprinkles

12.13 – Exploding Toothpaste
Optional: markers, paper, scissors, and tape to create an “elephant toothpaste” decorative decal for the bottle(s)
Food coloring
Liquid dish soap
1 liter plastic soda bottle (clean and empty)
Measuring spoons
Safety glasses
Rubber gloves
Tarp or other material to cover table –OR– a foil pan with 2” sides
Small plastic cups
4 oz. package of dry yeast (fast-rising works best) – if using a jar, you will need 2¼ teaspoon
3% hydrogen peroxide (found at grocery store)  –OR– for an improved reaction, 12% (40 volume) hydrogen peroxide (found at beauty supply store)

12.14 – Invisible Sunblock
Strips of black construction paper (2” x 4” is a good size)
Non-nano sunblock (e.g. zinc oxide ointment, found at any drugstore)
Nano-sunblock with zinc oxide; make sure the product is labeled as “goes on clear” (refer to the list at the bottom of the activity for common nano-sunblock brands)
Paper towels
Picture with large white dots/black background (included below)
Picture with small white dots/black background (included below)
List of common mineral sunblocks/sunscreens (included below)

DeSTEMber Fest Extravaganza

Join Girlstart for a free, frosty DeSTEMber Fest Extravaganza on Sunday, December 7th from noon to 3:00pm at the Bullock Texas State History Museum! Explore polar bears, penguins, walruses and more. The whole family will discover the mysteries behind this magical time of year with snowflake chemistry, igloo construction, fluffy snow and more hands-on fun!

*Free museum exhibit admission all day during Free First Sundays, held the first Sunday of every month.

Bullock Texas State History Museum
1800 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701