DeSTEMber Materials List

Activities for the week of December 28th-31st 2015

Here are the materials for the final week of DeSTEMber:

12.28 – Magnetic Motor
12.29 – Prosthetic Prototype
12.30 – Erupting Watermelon
12.31 – Dream Big

12.28 – Magnetic Motor
18G uncoated copper wire
2 Neodymium magnets
AA or AAA battery
Wire cutter

12.29 – Prosthetic Prototype
2 Q-tips
2 rubber bands
2 toothpicks
3 cotton balls
3 pipe cleaners
1 felt square
2 craft sticks
1 Nerf gun arrow
1 note card
1 plastic spoon

12.30  Erupting Watermelon
Watermelon or plastic bowl
Watermelon Kool-Aid powder
Baking soda
Dish soap (optional)
Squeezable bottle (like a ketchup bottle or travel shampoo bottle)

12.31  Dream Big
Large wooden star (these can be found at any craft store)

Index Card Engineering

According to an ancient Greek legend, there was a woman of royalty by the name of Princess Dido. When her brother, Pygmalion, murdered her husband, Dido, along with some loyal supporters, fled to the coast of North Africa. She asked the local king to sell her some land so that she could build a new city there. When the king refused, she persuaded him by asking him to sell her the amount of land that she could enclose with the hide of an ox. As soon as the king agreed, Princess Dido told her servants to tan an ox-hide and cut it up into long, narrow strips. Then she sewed all of the strips together to make one very long leather strip. With this strip, she claimed enough land to build a new city!

Thinking like Princess Dido, do you think you can cut an index card in such a way that you can fit through it?

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!