After School ‘to Go’ Spring 2016: Week 12

Showcase Week

For their last week at Girlstart, our To-Go clubs put on a showcase for parents, family, and friends! The girls got the chance to show off their skills and recreate a few of their favorite activities from the semester. Check out a collage of the pictures, featured below!



















Although it’s bittersweet to wave goodbye to many of our students, we at Girlstart are excited to see them change the world! Our girls are sure to carry their STEM skills with them to middle school and beyond!


After School Spring 2016: Week 12

Showcase Week

This week at Girlstart, we ended our semester with an amazing showcase that featured some of the girls’ favorite activities! Parents, guardians, and family members came to join in the festivities and see a few of our fun, hands-on experiments. Groups had a tough time deciding which activities to recreate – all of them were so much fun! How do you choose between the biofuels balloon lab and the landfill model? Or the canyon creation model and the earthquake experiment? Each group of students recreated a class favorite and explained their process to visiting parents.


This semester was such a blast! We know that our After School girls will continue to pursue their STEM passions in middle school and beyond!