After School ‘to Go’ Fall 2016: Week 10




At After School To-Go, students used their last week of club to showcase the most exciting activities of the semester. Groups chose their favorite experiments and designs, then recreated each activity.


















Once they completed their recreations, teachers, parents and guardians, and friends walked around the tables. Guests were given a brief explanation of the design, the important concepts and ideas, and demonstrations.











We’re saying goodbye to another successful semester and looking at what lies ahead for next year at Girlstart After School To-Go!


DeSTEMber Materials List

Activities for the week of December 1st-3rd 2016

We are very excited for our first week of DeSTEMber!

Each Sunday we will post the materials list for the upcoming week:

12.01 – Homemade Compass
12.02 – Human Slingshot
12.03 – Marshmallow Slingshot
12.03 – DeSTEMber Fest @ the Girlstart STEM Center from 9:30am-Noon (visit our website for more information here)

12.01 – Homemade Compass
Blunt sewing needle
Bowl of water
Magnet wand
Small cork (2-3cm thick)

12.02 – Human Slingshot
1 12″ elastic cord
Masking tape
5 paint stirrers
4 paperclips
4 rubber bands (all sizes)
1 small whiffle ball
Tacky glue
8 tongue depressors

12.03 – Marshmallow Slingshot
Golf pencil
Hole puncher
Jumbo marshmallow (or other object to launch, like a small ball)
Pen or marker
2 thin rubber bands
2 toilet paper tubes, or one paper towel tube cut in half

12.03 – DeSTEMber Fest @ Girlstart STEM Center from 9:30am-Noon
Come join us for free, fun, winter-themed science activities at the Girlstart STEM Center! Find out more information on our website here.

After School Fall 2016: Week 10

Showcase Week


This is the week we’ve been waiting for – Showcase Week! For After School’s final club of this fall semester, students brought back some of their favorite activities. Small groups shared their projects with proud parents, guardians, teachers, and friends!





















You may remember a few of the activities: building suspension bridges, racing rubber band cars, and lighting up birthday cards! Proud family members and teachers stopped at each station while students explained their design process.











After School Central Texas will be back next semester with even more exciting and educational STEM activities!

After School ‘to Go’ Fall 2016: Week 9

Bead to Achieve


This week at After School To-Go, students took time to reflect on the semester and plan for the future. Girls created colorful keychains – a physical representation of their hopes and dreams at all stages of life.








Girls were given colored beads to create their keychains. Each color represented the different stages of education: from middle school to career. After adding a bead to their keychain, students discussed a goal they wanted to meet at each level. Some goals were making all A’s, joining an interesting club, or traveling with family.

















The final bead represented the friends and family that would help them achieve these goals. By thinking about their goals, writing them down, and creating a plan that involves loved ones, Girlstart students are more likely to achieve their dreams!