Balancing Pencil

Do you think you can balance a pencil using only magnets and tape? Discover how you can make a pencil stand on its tip by harnessing the power of magnets! Magnets are either attracted to each other (that’s how they hold things up on a refrigerator!) or repel each other. Arrange the magnets so that they repel each other and make your pencil spin!

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!



Human Slingshot

Have you ever gone to an amusement park and wanted to experience the slingshot cage ride? The cage is stretched to the ground for passengers to be harnessed in; then the tension is released and the cage goes flying. Explore how potential and kinetic energy make this exhilarating and terrifying ride possible as you create your own human slingshot prototype!

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!