Age on Planets

Did you know that time is measured differently on each planet? One Earth year is equivalent to the amount of time it takes for Earth to make one trip around the sun. On other planets, this time is shorter or longer. Using the age chart, calculate what your age in Earth years would be if you lived on another planet!

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!

Check your math on the Exploratorium’s Your Age on Other Worlds online calculator.


DeSTEMber Materials List

Activities for the week of December 11th-17th 2016

Here are the materials for the third week of DeSTEMber:

12.11 – Sound Sandwich
12.12 – Chemical Magic
12.13 – Age on Planets
12.14 – Dinosaur DNA
12.15 – Optical Illusion
12.16 – Tea Bag Rocket
12.17 – Fog Chamber

12.11 – Sound Sandwich
2 small rubber bands
1 straw
2 tongue depressors
1 wide rubber band

12.12 – Chemical Magic
1/2 of a purple cabbage
14 small clear plastic cups (for example, clear 2 ounce portion cups)
Knife and cutting board (to chop cabbage)
Paper and pencil
Permanent marker
1 pipette or eye dropper
Safety goggles
Test liquids: Orange juice, milk, salt water, laundry detergent, vinegar, lime juice, water, ammonia, clear soda (7UP), finger nail polish remover, shampoo, mouth wash, baking soda in water, and hydrogen peroxide
Water (about 4 cups)

12.13 – Age on Planets
New Age Chart (provided with activity)
Paper and pencil (to do calculations)

12.14 – Dinosaur DNA
Dinosaur Characteristics Cards (provided with activity)
Dino DNA Resource page (provided with activity)
36 multicolored gumdrops
30 toothpicks

12.15 – Optical Illusion
Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
Dowel, wooden skewer, or pencil
Glue or tape
White cardboard (or heavy paper, like card stock)

12.16 – Tea Bag Rocket
Plate or pan (metal or ceramic; NOT paper or plastic)
Tea Bag

12.17 – Fog Chamber
1-gallon clear glass or plastic jar with a wide mouth (for example, a pickle jar)
Rubber glove
Tap water