After School Spring 2017: Week 5

Edwards Aquifer Lesson


As Environmental Scientists the girls discovered the purpose of aquifers and the effect pollution has on water through the modeling of an aquifer in a cup!


In order to understand aquifers, the girls were able to build one in a cup! To start, sand was poured in order to show how a permeable surface works and represent a saturation zone. The confining layer was modeled using clay since it is an impermeable surface. Rocks were then added to the cup and placed higher over the clay in order to represent a hill and valley. The girls were fascinated throughout the whole process as they saw how the water moved through the “land.” Once the drops of dye or pollution were added and water was passed over it, the girls watched intently to see how the  pollution affected the aquifer. After seeing the pollution spread throughout and seep into the saturation zone, the girls wondered how water could be cleaned and were able to brainstorm ideas that will be put into play the following week!