Thank You for Helping Girlstart Win $10,000!

Because of your support, Girlstart secured second place, and a $10,000 donation from Reliant Gives for Girlstart programs in Houston!

It was the closest contest to date. This was truly a team effort, and we are so grateful for each minute that you spent voting for Girlstart. This $10,000 donation from Reliant Gives will provide critical support to ensure Girlstart sustains and expands our programs in Houston. We can’t wait to update you on our work as we grow in this community.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our mission and advancing STEM opportunities for girls.

Hands-On Wednesday: Refraction of Light

Instead of turning your frown upside down, try turning It around in this simple experiment! Pick an image that you’d like to see reversed, and watch water do its magic as you pour it into a clear container. Make sure to see what happens when you change the distance between your image and the water – does this experiment work better when the image is closer or farther away?
