After School Fall 2017: Week 2

Things are building up on week two of Girlstart’s After School programs. After a mini lesson on density and buoyancy, the girls predicted which types of foil objects would float and sink.

Girls then worked in teams to design various shapes that would float or sink. After formulating their hypothesis, they tested their designs in water and evaluated their results. Throughout the process, they applied their knowledge of the scientific method as they learned how to plan, design, develop, and improve their foil shapes according to density and mass.

After School Fall 2017: Week 1

We are so excited to have our after-school programs back in session! At Girlstart, we are brave, creative, and curious. Last week, we broke down Engineering Design Process, the process in which we create and test experiments. To put this process into practice, the girls were tasked with designing and creating a parachute prototype.

First, the girls identified the problem. Each pair of girls was given a bag containing coffee filters, string, paper clips, and tape. Together, the girls brainstormed solutions and created a design for their prototype.

The girls then put their parachutes to the test. One by one the girls set their parachutes to flight, observing what designs were successful and where their design could use improvement. At Girlstart we never give up. If your design fails, you identify the problem and you try again. And again.

The girls quickly discovered how the weight and size of their parachutes impact the parachutes’ travel downward. Our young Girlstart engineers learned about the effect of drag, how increasing air resistance allows a parachute to travel slowly and return skydivers to the ground safely!