Hands-On Wednesday: Rising Water

Check out this cool experiment that is performed with just a candle and some matches. Light up your candle and watch the water slowly rise. Isn’t that cool?! This happens because the flame from the candle slightly expands the container. Once it cools, a vacuum is created and the water rises. Try this out and impress your family and friends!

Thank you WeatherFest Volunteers!

Girlstart, the Bullock Museum, and Spectrum News hosted their annual WeatherFest on February 4th in Austin, TX.

Close to 1500 people attended and participated in Girlstart’s hands-on activities and demos, including: kites, spectroscopes, instant snow, cloud viewing binoculars, wind bag wonders, and more. A big thank you to all the volunteers who came out and helped lead these activities. A variety of college students, mother/daughter teams, board members, and individual supporters came out on Super Bowl Sunday to inspire and engage kids in hands-on STEM fun. Thank you so much for your help!

To view pictures from the day click here (https://flic.kr/s/aHsktp9r4i).

After School Spring 2018: Week 5

During Week 5 of Girlstart’s After School Program, our young environmental engineers used their problem-solving and critical thinking skills to create water filters! First, they created polluted water to show how human activity can negatively impact the environment. Then, they created, tested, and revised their water filter designs to improve the filter’s effectiveness.

Hands-On Wednesday: Lava Cup

Do you know what happens when you mix oil and water? The oil floats on top of the water because it is less dense. Now add some salt and VOILA! You get your very own lava cup! Because salt is heavier than oil, it sinks into the water pulling the oil with it, and when it dissolve…up goes the oil. This gives a real cool effect. Check it out!