Thank You Norton Rose Fulbright!

This past December, a group from Norton Rose Fulbright joined us at Girlstart Headquarters to prep materials for our spring after school programs.

Girlstart meets with after school participants for an hour each week to do hands-on STEM activities related to what they are learning in the classroom. We appreciate our hard working volunteers, who help make these programs possible and work as a team themselves to solve challenges (like cutting thousands of pieces of plastic wrap). Thank you!

Thank You National Instruments!

As Girlstart gears up for our spring 2019 after school programs, volunteers have helped prep materials for the 2000+ girls we serve each week.

A big thank you to National Instruments for volunteering at their offices to prep materials, including bagging cereals to represent sediments and cutting plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and construction paper for solar ovens. We appreciate their continued support empowering girls in STEM.

Hands-On Wednesday: Ping Pong Air Pressure

Bernoulli’s principle says that an increase in the speed of air will cause a decrease in air pressure. Witness this phenomena in this simple demonstration. Watch as the decrease in air pressure caused by the fast airstream from the hair dryer causes the ping pong balls to move in an interesting way.