Hands-On Wednesday: Make Your Own Compass

Start your adventure by making your own compass in this activity! The Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field, and this field creates the North and South Poles of the Earth. Just like the Earth, magnets also have north and south poles. Once you magnetize your needle, your compass north and south sides will align with the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth. Using the Earth’s magnetic shield, your homemade compass will surely point you North!

Hands-On Wednesday: Power of Bleach

Watch bleach work its magic in this activity! Complete this experiment to explore the oxidization of molecules in food coloring. Through this oxidization, double bonded molecules are reduced to single bonds. This process will fade the color significantly. Make sure to be careful when handling bleach and ask for an adult’s help!

Hands-On Wednesday: Puffy Paint

Self-rising flour and baking powder are known as leavening agents, meaning they have sodium bicarbonate and when mixed with heat, produce carbon dioxide. That’s why flour and baking powder are used in making bread or pastries – the production of carbon dioxide helps the treats rise! Mixing flour with water and salt produces even more carbon dioxide, which makes the concoction bubbly! Adding food coloring for color and applying heat to it makes the concoction rise and bubbles, and once it cools, it will harden to create your own puffy painting!