Carrie Bell

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Carrie Bell
Sr. Quality Assurance Engineer @ Luminex

Carrie got involved with Girlstart after seeing how much her daughter enjoyed our programs. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to hear about her career and the advice she has for the future generation of Women In STEM!

What’s your background?
I have a BS in mechanical engineering and an MBA. I have worked in the medical device and diagnostics industries for 20 years. I spent most of my career at orthopedic implant companies (hip, knee, and spine) supporting the manufacture of implants and surgical instruments. I recently joined Luminex Corporation and work in Quality Assurance supporting the manufacturing of Diagnostic Instruments. These instruments are used to detect diseases such as the one we are experiencing in our society today.

What’s your favorite thing about your career?
I like knowing that the products I have worked on help people such as restoring mobility and diagnosing disease.

What words of encouragement would you share with girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career?
I suggest being bold and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Just because you are the only girl on a team project doesn’t mean anything. When I was in college working on engineering class projects and the only girl on the team, I was sometimes told, “Why don’t you just write the report.” In hindsight I wish I had been more assertive and jumped in and contributed anyway. I think having a mentor would be helpful.

Was there a specific person in your life that led you to your STEM career?
My dad encouraged me to be an engineer since I liked math and science. We rebuilt my first car together after the engine caught fire. We bought some new parts and some parts from the junk yard and got it running again.

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?
I think it is important to show girls that it is okay to be interested in degrees and careers that have traditionally had a low number of girls. Many girls just lack exposure to opportunities.

Materials List: Lunar Virtual Starry Night

We are excited for you to participate in Girlstart’s Virtual Starry Night, including a lunar star show and hands-on STEM activities! Gather materials from around the house and join us on Thursday, April 2nd for Starry fun.

* The following list contains affiliate links. Girlstart is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Moon Lander

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • “Astronauts” – 2 goldfish crackers (or other crackers/chips)
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Small paper or plastic cup
  • Tape

An assortment of the following materials, or similar items found around your house:

  • Bubble wrap
  • Cotton balls
  • Index cards
  • Marshmallows
  • Pieces of cardboard
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Pom poms
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Rubber bands
  • Straws (biodegradable)
  • Toothpicks

Moon Craters

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Aluminum pan or baking dish
  • “Asteroids” — small rocks, ping pong balls, bouncy balls, etc.
  • 4 cups flour (Tip: this can be made gluten-free by using corn flour)
  • Gallon-sized storage bag or airtight container
  • Measuring cup
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • ½ cup vegetable, canola, or baby oil

Moon Phase Flipbook

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Markers
  • Moon Phase Flipbook Template (attached to lesson)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Stapler

Paper Rockets

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Clear tape
  • Pencil
  • Plastic bendy straw (biodegradable)
  • Printed Rocket Template (attached to lesson)
  • Scissors
  • Stickers or washi tape for decoration

Statement Regarding COVID-19 & Girlstart Programming

We are thankful to our community for your engagement in our Spring 2020 programming, but given the situation concerning COVID-19, we are very sad that we must postpone our 15th Annual Austin Girls in STEM Conference, as well as our Community STEM events scheduled in Austin, Houston, and Irving (including our April and May ‘Starry Nights’) until official guidance permits us to do so. At this moment, we are not certain when we will be able to resume our Community STEM events, but we will keep you updated as soon as we have news to share.

We are not, however, going to let this time get us down, and we are not going to let you down, either. We are working to create more resources for you–and your family–during this challenging time. Even though we need to keep ourselves healthy, it doesn’t mean that we should stop learning. That’s why we are excited to let you know that our staff have been working hard to expand our online programming.

Please visit our dedicated ‘STEM at Home’ online resource that brings together hundreds of accessible, hands-on STEM activities that you can do at home with your family. These include activities from our DeSTEMber program, and other rich and engaging content. New activities and content will appear in the next few days! Our social media channels will also alert you when new content is ready. We promise that we are committed to ensuring that you have plenty of STEM activities while staying safe at home.

Thank you for being part of the Girlstart family!