Meha Jha

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Meha Jha

Refining Industry Marketing Manager, Measurement Solutions @ Emerson

Meha’s interest in Girlstart was initially sparked by our fun approach to STEM, which led her to teach a hands-on workshop at our annual Girls In STEM conference about lip gloss manufacturing. Volunteers like her are an integral part of Girlstart, and we are so excited that she has volunteered more of her time with us today to share her experience in different areas of STEM!

Was there a specific person, program, or event in your life that led you to your STEM career?
My dad is an engineer and was very influential in wanting me to get an engineering degree, because of the marketability of the degree. My parents said as long as I get an engineering degree, I can do whatever I want with it after.

Can you explain a little bit about what you do?
I work in Industrial Automation, and in particular in instrumentation. Instrumentation is used to measure process variables like flow, temperature, level pressure used to control the manufacturing of materials. In particular, I focus on how to use these different instruments in the oil refining industry. I actually work on the marketing side where I educate customers and our sales force on how to use these different instruments to improve safety, efficiency and reliability of operations. 

What are your favorite things about being on the marketing side of Industrial Automation?
I like that I can leverage my strengths, yet still be in a technical field. Working in a marketing role allows me to still remain technical but also leverage communication, leadership, and other interpersonal skills. I love being part of the Energy industry in particular because it is so influential to economic development and providing critical resources we need for daily living.

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?
Pursuing a STEM degree and career can be challenging but more than confidence I would say you need resilience! It is okay to fail, it is okay to not know how to do something, it is okay to be uncomfortable, and this will happen many times. You just need to be willing to stay on the course, be willing to fail, be willing to learn and grow from those failures, and then the confidence will come. Know that there are many that have come before you and if they can do it so can you!

Thank You for Volunteering from Home

Due to the current health situation, Girlstart has not been able to host groups of volunteers for the past several months. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done, and thankfully volunteers have helped from the safety and comfort of their homes. Throughout the months of April and May, dozens of volunteers have prepped materials as well as assembled kits to serve over 1000 girls across the country for our Summer Camp at Home program!

We are so grateful for everyone’s support and flexibility as we find new ways to volunteer together!

Curbside Pick Up Parties

This summer, Girlstart has pivoted to our new Summer Camp at Home program to ensure the health and safety of our camp community, including campers, staff, and volunteers. Each week campers can stop by one of our regional locations to pick up their Summer Camp at Home kit, which includes 15+ hands-on activities, a comprehensive engineering journal, Girlstart swag, a tiny programmable robot, and access to our digital video library.

Several volunteers joined us at our first Curbside Pick Up Party to distribute kits and cheer on campers as they drove off, all while maintaining a safe distance. We are so appreciative of the help and look forward to hosting more pick up parties throughout the summer! If you would like to join one, sign up online at:

Hansa Giridhar

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences. Today we are honored to interview Hansa Giridhar, Girlstart Alumna, Author of “AI for Kids”, and Founder and CEO of Leadstreams. Hansa is an excellent example of how girls can be a part of changing the world through STEM, no matter how young.

Hansa Giridhar
Author of “AI for Kids” and Founder and CEO of Leadstreams


How would you describe yourself?

I am a middle schooler in Round Rock, Texas. I am passionate about STREAM and aspire to be an astrophysicist when I grow up. Working for NASA is my dream.

What are some of your hobbies?

I have a track record of high grades, love creating art, playing the piano, and am trained in Indian classical dance.  I also love reading, writing, and photography. My favorite subjects are math, science, art, history, and French.

Will you tell us about your book?

I am the author “AI for kids”, a technical book I self-published in 2019 , which introduces the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence in simple terms to kids.

Can you tell us about your other work experience and honors? 

I am also the founder and CEO of Leadstreams, , a volunteer organization to help middle and high school girls build communication skills that are essential to become STREAM leaders.

I have participated in the 2019 Congressional App Challenge and won the President’s Award for Educational Excellence in 2018. I am also a member of my school’s Library Advisory Board and the National Junior Honor Society. I recently won a Society for Women Engineers (SWE) Engineering challenge.

Check out our interview with Hansa below and on our Instagram page @iheartgirlstart!

Check out Hansa’s newest book, Astrophysics for Kids!