General Statement Concerning COVID-19 

Girlstart is closely monitoring the federal, state, and local guidelines regarding COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus. We are communicating with our partners to make sure we are all following the recommended guidelines to best serve our participants. The current statistics, which we know are changing quickly, state that children have not been shown to be a high-risk group for serious illness from the COVID-19 virus. We will continue to stay informed and adjust programming as needed.

For all parties that work with Girlstart, please continue to follow the recommended guidelines regarding good hygiene and travel: 

  • Stay home when you are sick to prevent the spread of illness in the community and allow yourself the opportunity to rest and recover.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer).
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.


Math Decisions Matter!

*Your district’s official form will look a little different.

If you have a daughter in 5th grade, you will likely receive information about your daughter’s transition into middle school, and Girlstart wants to advocate for one of the key things you and your daughter will have to do with that information: choose her course selections.

You and/or your daughter will find a form regarding the class options available to her in middle school. Our vision for every Girlstart girl’s choices in middle school can be found above.

Girlstart recommends selecting Advanced (sometimes called PreAP or PAP) math and science as soon as your district makes it available. Through her participation in Girlstart, your daughter has had a unique experience, engaging in 10 to 40 more hours of science and math than most students. Your daughter is, therefore, better prepared for advanced science and math courses in middle school, and selecting these advanced science and math courses will keep options open to her in high school and for college.

Additionally, we suggest choosing a STEM-related elective or supplementary program, if it is available at your school or in your community. If you have questions about the course selection process, we encourage you to talk with your daughter’s teacher or the school counselor. They will be able to help provide guidance about what courses will be available in middle and high school and the great options that await your daughter.

By advocating for your daughter and helping you plan early, we hope you and your daughter feel empowered to dream big for her future as she adventures into middle school and beyond.

Additional Resources

Thank You DeSTEMber Fest Volunteers!

Girlstart kicked off the month of DeSTEMber with our DeSTEMber Extravaganza on Saturday, December 7th in Austin, TX, and Sunnyvale, CA.

Volunteers led hands-on activities including gliders, circuit reindeer, paper rockets, InstaSnow, dancing gingerbread, and more. We are so thankful to have such amazing volunteers who took time to engage and inspire kids and their families in STEM.

Thank You Square Root Volunteers!

A group from Square Root joined us at Girlstart this fall for a morning of volunteering. Volunteers helped us prep materials for our Game Changers Luncheon as well as our Spooktacular event. They rolled shirts, cut hundreds of pieces of foam, and labeled boxes of colored pencils.

A huge thank you to Square Root for donating their time and helping us make STEM fun and meaningful for girls across the country!