After School Newsletter – 2021

As we wrap up our Fall 2021 After School program, we want to first and foremost thank everyone that helped make this semester possible. Despite the challenges that came with transitioning back to in-person programming this semester, Girlstart continued to support girls’ science and math learning recovery with high quality, hands-on STEM activities, serving over 1,540 girls from 78 schools across 23 school districts in 3 states.

From learning the Engineering Design Process to launch catapults, to manufacturing engineers exploring solubility and testing the impact packaging materials can have on our environment, to understanding force and friction like automotive engineers to design a drag racing cup, this semester has been filled with tons of STEM discoveries. Girlstart’s After School program also provided fascinating career exploration, thanks to wonderful volunteers from outstanding companies, showing girls the power of representation of women in STEM fields.

In addition to the fun STEM activities, Girlstart girls showed up with confidence, worked with a team to explore new hands-on activities, and found humor in the big and small moments. They were serene and persistent as they faced challenges, they took initiative as they problem solved, and were adventurous as they tried new things. We also read and discussed Ambitious Girl by Meena Harris. Girlstart hopes our participants continue to be ambitious and dream mighty dreams, feel empowered to lead others with integrity, and celebrate all the things they have accomplished this semester. We look forward to serving even more girls in additional schools this spring as well as planning for 2022 Summer Camps, and all the STEM fun those programs will bring.

Thank you again for your support,

Katelyn Wamsted                                       Beverly Hamilton, Ph.D.

Chief Programs Officer                            Interim Executive Director

Activities for the week of December 1st – 4th

We are so excited for our first week of DeSTEMber! 

Activities for the week of December 1st – 4th:

12.01 Graphite Circuit

12.02 Seed Germinator

12.03 EcoTarium

12.04 Moon Observation Saturday: Moon Phases

12.01 – Graphite Circuit 

  • 9V battery
  • Graphite pencil
  • 5mm LED
  • Ruler
  • Sheet of paper
  • Tape

12.02 – Seed Germinator

  • Bean seeds (lima, pinto, or mung beans work best)
  • Paper towels
  • Sandwich-size plastic zipper bag
  • Tape
  • Water

12.03 – EcoTarium – Incredible Cabbage Colors

  • Cabbage juice (1 liter – see activity for instructions)
  • 5 or more clear glasses
  • Household liquids including:
    • Baking soda solution (teaspoon of baking soda in 8 oz. water)
    • Bleach (*with an adult’s help)
    • Clear lemon-lime soda
    • Dish soap
    • Lemon juice
    • Vinegar
    • Washing soda solution (teaspoon dissolved in 8 oz. water)
    • Window cleaner (*with an adult’s help)

12.04 – Moon Observation Saturday: Moon Phases

  • Moon Observation Journal (attached to activity)
  • Pen, pencil, or markers

Don’t forget to use AmazonSmile if you’re shopping online, a percent of your purchase will go to Girlstart when you use AmazonSmile!

Activities for December 26th – 31st

We are so excited for our final week of DeSTEMber!

Activities for the week of December 26th – 31st 

12.26 Citizen Science Sunday: Globe at Night

12.27 Light Pollution

12.28 SciGirls

12.29 Rubber Band Helicopter

12.30 Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center

12.31 Dream Big!

12.26 – Citizen Science Sunday: Globe at Night


12.27 – Light Pollution

  • Aluminum foil (6-inch square)
  • Felt or fabric (6-inch square)
  • Flashlight
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Tissue paper (6-inch square)

12.28 – SciGirls

  • Opaque items (construction paper, cardboard, aluminum foil, cotton balls) 
  • Translucent items (wax paper, frosted contact paper, tracing paper, parchment paper, tissue paper)
  • Transparent items (cellophane, drinking glass or glass jar, bottle full of water)

12.29 – Rubber Band Helicopter

  • Craft stick
  • Craft stick propeller (fits onto end of craft stick and has a rubber band hook)
  • Notecard
  • Paperclip
  • Pencil
  • Rubber band (size #64 works best)
  • Scissors
  • Tape

12.30 – Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center – Thermal Energy Design Challenge

  • Aluminum Foil
  • Black Paper
  • Cardboard*
  • 1/2 Cup of Frozen Water in a Ziploc Bag*
  • Fleece
  • Napkin*
  • Newspaper
  • Packing Tape*
  • Plastic Baggie*
  • Styrofoam
  • White Paper*

*OR: use the underlined materials plus 3-5 items from your recycling bin

12.31 – Dream Big!

  • Cardstock or poster board
  • Colored pencils or markers

Activities for the week of December 12th – 18th

We are so excited for our third week of DeSTEMber!

Activities for the week of December 12th – 18th

12.12 Citizen Science Sunday: Project Squirrel

12.13 The Franklin Institute

12.14 Benham’s Disk

12.15 Dallas Arboretum

12.16 Secret Sounds

12.17 Throwing Pi

12.18 Moon Observation Saturday: Full Moon

12.12 – Citizen Science Sunday: Project Squirrel 

  • Computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access

12.13 – The Franklin Institute – Light and Bubbles

  • A blank piece of white paper
  • A darkened room
  • A plate
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup dishwashing liquid (clear is best but any type will work)
  • 1 cup water
  • Flashlight
  • Straw

12.14 – Benham’s Disk

  • Benham’s Disk template, printed on copy paper or cardstock (attached)
  • Cardboard
  • Clear tape
  • Glue stick
  • Pencil
  • Push pin
  • Scissors

12.15 – Dallas Arboretum – Plant Cuttings: Super Rooters

  • Clean pair of scissors, knife or gardening shears
  • Mature plant stem or vine
  • Vase
  • Water

12.16 – Secret Sounds

  • Metal clothes hanger
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • String

12.17 – Throwing Pi

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • 20 toothpicks (or more!)

12.18 – Moon Observation Saturday: Full Moon

  • Moon Observation Journal (from Moon Phases activity)

Don’t forget to use AmazonSmile if you’re shopping online so that a percent of your purchase goes to Girlstart!