Kirby Tyndall

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Kirby Tyndall

Senior Consulting Toxicologist @ Golder

Kirby volunteered during the summer of 2020 by helping hand out camp kits and we are so thankful that she has decided to volunteer with Girlstart again. She likes solving problems with science and is excited about helping girls see how interesting STEM can be!

What kind of work does your job entail?
I have worked as an environmental consultant for 30 years, helping clients clean up contamination and determining if air, soil, sediment, fish, food, and other items are “safe” for people to breathe, eat, touch, etc.

Do you have a specific person, program, or event in your life that led you to become an environmental consultant?
My 5th grade science teacher let me and a couple other kids conduct a several month long project with rats where we varied their diets with healthy food and unhealthy food (white bread and soda). That project really inspired my inquisitive side and helped me understand how the scientific method could be used to figure out so many things.

Why do you think confidence in STEM is important for girls?
Children and young adults are more likely to choose subjects and careers in subjects they feel confident in and having more girls in STEM fields is good for the girls and really the world.

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career?
Never give up on your pursuit of knowledge! STEM courses can be really challenging but they are also really interesting and, through science, many problems can be solved.

Sweets, Hearts, and STEM Extravaganza

Girlstart continues to closely monitor coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Click for updates regarding Girlstart programming.

Join Girlstart for hands-on Valentine’s Day fun as part of our FREE virtual Sweets, Hearts, and STEM event!

Explore the STEM behind candy, hearts, and more with these hands-on activities you can do right from your home:

Follow Girlstart’s stories on social media the day of the event for even more Sweets, Hearts, and STEM fun!


Niru Rajagopal

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Niru Rajagopal

Business PMO – Digital Transformation @ Dell Technologies

Niru has been working in technology for over 20 years and has contributed to major projects while working at Dell. She is a humble leader who has powerful advice on what it means to pursue your dreams as a woman in STEM. We are very honored that she is willing to share some of that wisdom with us today!

Why is confidence in STEM so important for girls?
It’s everything for girls in STEM. Without confidence, the world can eat you up, even if you are better than everybody in the industry. Having the brains and the right encouragement and support will boost your self-confidence. To know you are not alone and are deeply cared for, makes all the difference to boost self-esteem and confidence.

What are your favorite things about Dell and working in technology?
I love learning and it’s exciting to stay current with the latest in technology. I enjoy working for a company like Dell where there are plenty of opportunities for women in Tech. I also enjoy mentoring my team
members and bringing out the best in them while also creating a harmonious, yet innovative work atmosphere.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
I feel like I know very little when compared to what is there to learn. I think trying to stay humble and grateful for this opportunity in this life is the best accomplishment! 🙂

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career? What words of encouragement would you share with them?
You’re not alone. You have all the support and love you need in the world! I’m here for you.