Shaida Hiekali

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Shaida Hiekali

Women’s Leadership Consultant @ Oracle

Shaida’s interest in Girlstart was ignited by her recognition of the pivotal role that women and girls are to play in the future of STEM. Because of this, she wants to encourage all girls to be curious, to get after their interests and not let fear get in the way. We are so excited to have her here today and can’t wait to see what she has to say!

What does your job look like at Oracle?
I help develop, engage, and empower women at Oracle.

What projects you have worked on throughout your career?

-Hosted the first emerging leader summit for Oracle women in the Americas region, a 3 day development experience focused on leadership, development and growth.

-Led the Americas International Women’s day first ever virtual programming with 12 hours of content on this year’s theme choose to challenge.

-Created and hosted the RISE series, an interview series with Oracle’s leaders focused on winning in business and beyond, women in tech, and building a dynamic global career.

-On the day to day, helping support our women and business leaders on local programs and strategic global projects. (networking, mentoring, conferences).

Was there a specific person that led you to your career?
My dad was an engineer and businessman, he always encouraged me to be curious about the tech industry and business.

What are your favorite things about your job?
Being able to work with such incredible women. As I’m empowering them, they are empowering me. The opportunity to work with leaders of the organization.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
This role, getting to go day in and day out, work on mission that is so fulfilling. Prior to the pandemic, the global nature of this role allowed me to travel– this role has been a big career highlight.

Why is confidence for girls in STEM so important?
Confidence is just a fancy way of saying or showing, I won’t let fear stop me, I will push through. Getting through those moments of fear with confidence, hope, and action is so important- it’s the difference between standing still and planting the seed for a garden of growth.

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career? What words of encouragement would you share with them?
You can do it!! We need you, want you, and encourage you to share your perspectives, ask questions, and jump right in.

AAPI Book List

We put together a reading list for you and your family to read, learn from, and explore in celebration and respect for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Queen of Physics: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom

by Teresa Robeson

Asians-Americans Who Inspire

by Analiza Quiroz Wolf

It Began with a Page

by Kyo Maclear

Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas

by Natasha Kim 

Eyes that Kiss the Corners

by Joanna Ho (Author), Dung Ho (Illustrator)

Measuring Up

by Lily LaMotte and Ann Xu

Star Gazing

by Jen Wang

The Name Jar

by Yangsook Choi

Meet Yasmin!

by Saadia Faruqi

The Most Beautiful Thing

by Kao Kalia Yang and Khoa Le

The Fearless Flights of Hazel Ying Lee

by Julie Lueng

The World is Not a Rectangle: A Portrait of Architect Zaha Hadid

by Jeanette Winter

Malala’s Magic Pencil

by Malala Yousafzai

Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light and Lines

by Jeanne Walker Harvey (Author), Dow Phumiruk (Illustrator)

Free as a Bird: The Story of Malala

by Lina Maslo 

Netra Unni Rajesh

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Netra Unni Rajesh

Bio Engineering PhD Student @ Stanford University

Netra’s passion for STEM began in high school and led her to some incredible research experience. We are so excited to hear about her education journey and about the work she is doing in the bio engineering field. Click on the YouTube video below to view Netra’s conversation with Girlstart!


Meet the Summer Camp STEM CREW who will be mentoring and teaching your Girlstart students this summer!

Sarah Elizabeth Olivera

What do you want camprs to take away/learn from you this summer?
That it’s ok to not know the answer to everything, asking for help should be welcomed and encouraged, and creativity counts for more thank you think!

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I am excited to meet and work with all our campers and help get them excited about learning and taking creative approaches to problems!

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
I firmly believe that everyone has a place in STEM, and want to be part of an organization whose mission it is to extend the opportunity to be exposed to STEM concepts in a comfortable and nurturing environment.

Haley Mitchell

What do you want camprs to take away/learn from you this summer?
I would love for our girls to leave camp with a sense of wonder that makes them excited to use the rest of their summer to continue exploring STEM!

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
Getting to work in the office! I miss it there!

Sarah Beamer

What do you want camprs to take away/learn from you this summer?
I want the campers to find something that excites them and to not be afraid to learn more. I want them to be optimistic about their futures, and to not be afraid to take a leap of faith for things that make them happy.

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I was a first year STEM Crew last year when we taught camp from Zoom, and that was so rewarding because Girlstart was the highlight of many girls’ summers due to COVID. I wanted to be a returning STEM Crew this summer because I want to be able to experience Girlstart in-person, and give those girls the same excitement they had last summer. I can’t wait to inspire the girls who attend the in-person camp, and also the girls who choose to attend through Zoom.

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
I was a Girlstart camper when I was a girl, and coming from a family where nobody was in STEM related career, it really sparked my interest in the STEM field. I can confidently say it was the first moment I decided I wanted to be a woman in STEM. Because I had such an impactful experience, I wanted to be the same inspiration to the next generation of girls.

Miriam Fisher

What do you want campers to take away/learn from you this summer?
I hope that the girls learn that there is so much creativity involved in science.

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I am most excited to teach girls who are passionate and excited to learn even outside of the school year.

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
Girlstart is important to me because I love what the organization stands for and would have loved to be in a program like it when I was younger.

Derrica McDowell

What do you want campers to take away/learn from you this summer?
I want campers to take away from this summer that it’s fun to be excited to learn and question all things STEM.

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I am very excited to have the option for camp to be back in person! Also, Camp Hermione.

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
I wanted to work with Girlstart this summer so I can learn and experience new things with the campers, volunteers, and other STEM Crew.


Caitlyn Shields

What do you want campers to take away/learn from you this summer?
I want campers to learn about all the different topics that are encompassed in STEM and I want them to take away the knowledge that there is nothing stopping them from going after their dreams!

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I am most excited for the wonderful camp themes we have this year! They are all going to be so much fun and I can’t wait to experience all of the excitement with the campers.

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
I wanted to work with Girlstart this summer because I’m really proud to be part of an organization that values STEM education and the education of young girls. I was so excited by the summer camp themes and the idea that I could be a part of such an enriching and fun camp experience!




Katia Elizabeth Davis

What do you want campers to take away/learn from you this summer?
I want campers to learn that learning can actually be a fun and very interactive time especially with all the experiments.

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I am so excited to get to know all the girls throughout the summer and all excitement that shows up in the girls when we start an experiment.

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
Girlstart is important to me because it allows girls to have role models that I never really had when I was young. I want to help invigorate girls to be excited in STEM subjects and believe that any dream they believe in can be achieved.




Danielle Dinderman

What do you want campers to take away/learn from you this summer?
I want campers to know that they have the power to accomplish anything they set their mind to!

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
Teaching is my life’s purpose and I’m excited to get to do it over the summer for the first time!

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
Working with Girlstart is important to me because as a former Engineering major, I experienced the effects that discrimination in STEM can have. I decided to become a math and science teacher instead so I could empower students starting at a young age so they can be prepared to pursue STEM careers, and Girlstart gives me a space to do just that!



Karla Desatnik

What do you want campers to take away/learn from you this summer?
I would love for campers to appreciate the beauty in science and natural phenomena. As we learn about these, I want us to dive deep into concepts, but never forgetting to embrace our inner child when we see cool results. Finally, I want us to remember that we are products of the concepts we’ll explore and that everything that has ever been known exists because of simple scientific and mathematical facts.

What excites you most about working with Girlstart this summer?
I am excited to explore and discover thrilling science concepts with campers who are beginning to wonder about the complexities of natural life!

Why did you want to work with Girlstart this summer or why is Girlstart important to you?
I grew up doing science experiments and practicing math skills with my Dad and sister, so I can’t wait to continue this tradition as an adult with a new generation of explorers. I think an understanding of how physical things work is essential to be informed and humble, but also appreciative of natural life, so learning about this with young knowledge-seekers is a great way to continue this.