Girls in STEM Statement


At this time, Girlstart is moving forward with our annual Girls in STEM Conference. The current statistics, which we know are changing quickly, state that children have not been shown to be a high-risk group for serious illness from the COVID-19 virus. However, we are working with our host district and following all the recommended guidelines regarding hygiene, travel, and other considerations in order to make informed decisions. We will continue to closely monitor federal, state, and local guidelines regarding the virus and adjust our plans if needed. 

Girlstart understands new information is coming out daily/hourly regarding COVID-19 and we will continue to keep our families updated. We acknowledge the uncertainty at this time. If you would like to cancel your daughter’s registration for a full refund, please contact

We plan to send another communication on COVID-19 within the next two weeks. Girlstart knows the importance of providing kids with unique opportunities to look forward to, especially during this challenging time, and we hope our conference will provide such an opportunity.