DeSTEMber Materials List


Activities for the week of December 15th-21st

Here is what’s coming up this week:
12.15 – Lights Out
12.16 – Partner Hangout with the Thinkery and Around the Sun
12.17 – Partner Hangout with Wonderopolis® and National Maple Syrup Day
12.18 – Rockin’ Roller Coaster
12.19 – Partner video with The Franklin Institute and Spinning Arm
12.20 – Partner video with Texas State Aquarium and Crazy Catapults
12.21 – National Flashlight Day

12.15 – Lights Out
1 1”x1” felt square in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple
1 9”x12” sheet of black felt
Blue cellophane
Colored Pencils
Multiple printouts of the glasses template
Recycled file folders
Optional: Pictures of deep sea organisms

12.16 – Partner Hangout with the Thinkery and Around the Sun
Template (on page 3)

12.17 – Partner Hangout with Wonderopolis® and National Maple Syrup Day
Sweet Crystals
Baking pan or flat tray
Hot plate or stove
Large spoon
Magnifying glass
Pure maple syrup
Sauce pan
Stopwatch (optional)

12.18 – Rockin’ Roller Coaster
Cup to catch marble
Household objects with different heights
Paper Towel Rolls
Tape (Blue painters tape or duct tape works best)
Toilet Paper Rolls

12.19 – Partner video with The Franklin Institute and Spinning Arm
Spinning Arm
2 craft sticks
3 volt motor (the kinds with gear attached to shaft)
AA battery in a battery holder
Aluminum foil
Duct tape
Hook-up wire
Paint stirrer
Paper clips
Ping pong ball
Rubber faucet washer (3/4 inch or larger)
Wire strippers

12.20 – Partner video with Texas State Aquarium and Crazy Catapults
1 wooden pencil
2 heavy duty rubber bands
2 tongue depressors
10 gummy bears
3” strip of duct tape
Flat surface
Paper to record results
Tape measure or ruler

12.21 – National Flashlight Day
Tape or Rubber Band
Tissue Paper
Toilet Paper Roll