After School ‘to Go’ Fall 2016: Week 5

After School Blog

Circuit Messages

We’re bringing back the Electrical Engineer career for yet another week of Girlstart To-Go – this time, students are constructing circuits to send and receive buzzer messages! This form of communication has been in use since the 1800s!

















Girls used batteries, wires, a buzzer, and switches to build a closed circuit which would allow them to “buzz” messages back and forth. After testing their buzzer designs, each class group gathered together to learn about the history of text messaging. Originally, telegraphs used morse code to communicate messages over long distances. STEM Crew leaders then sent students a word using dits and dahs. Would students be able to decipher the message?











You bet! Girls then sent each other single words, made of dits and dahs. To close out the session and test the students’ knowledge of telegraph history, girls used their buzzers to answer true or false questions. At Girlstart, we don’t just text and tweet – we can use Morse Code too!