After School ‘to Go’ Spring 2017: Week 1

After School Blog


It’s only the first week of After School To-Go’s spring semester, but students are already finding their wings as they learn about the Research Pilot career! Girls created expectations that will help them learn and apply STEM skills throughout the semester, then they jumped right into the activity!











STEM Crew leaders threw a paper airplane across the room and asked students to create a list of the different design components that allow a paper airplane to fly. Then, girls began to design their gliders, which they cut out of disposable plates. Each girl was given a penny to weigh her plane down and allow it to fly farther. Students were excited to test their gliders and compete for the farthest or fastest flight!



















Finally, students were encouraged to analyze their designs for potential improvements. This required each student to interpret the significance and purpose of each part of their plane, as well as the effectiveness of the materials used. At After School To-Go, students are already putting the Engineering Design Process into action. Stay with us throughout the semester to see where we’ll fly off to next!