After School Fall 2016: Week 2

After School Blog

Underwater Flinkers

Will it sink or will it float? At Week 2 of Girlstart After School, girls planned and built a “flinker” device that does both! Before students began sketching their prototype designs, they reviewed important concepts, including mass, density, buoyancy and solubility. Students would find all of these terms important while creating their flinkers.

















Week 2 was based on the careers of Marine Engineers. Girls were asked about the difficulties that Marine Engineers encounter when recovering samples from the bottom of a body of water. Answers included the weight of the object, the strength of the line or chain, and water currents. By sinking slowly to the bottom of a body of water, flinkers can help Marine Engineers overcome some of these obstacles.










Each group received a hodgepodge of materials, such as pool noodle slices, packing peanuts, cork, washers, and binder clips. Girls got to work building a prototype flinker, then tested their first designs in a pitcher. With the help of their STEM crew leaders, girls observed and recorded the length of time their projects “flinked” in the water. Girls then revised their designs, adding or removing different materials, and tested it once again. Week 2 of Girlstart After School was a swimming success!