After School Fall 2016: Week 6

After School Blog

Balloon Cars

It’s happened to all of us – we’re blowing up balloons for a party, and whoosh! One stray balloon goes flying around the room! What can this silly example teach us about kinetic and potential energy? This week at Girlstart After School, students learn about the Mechanical Engineer career and build balloon-powered cars!

















First, girls built the body of their car using cardboard, tape, straws, skewers, and wheels. Each group tested their car body by rolling it along the floor or the table top. Next, a balloon was taped on top of the car and secured to straws. Girls blew up the balloons and released their cars!












Through this activity, girls learned about Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This, coupled with the concept of potential energy in the blown-up balloon and the kinetic energy of the car moving along the table, taught girls about the conservation of energy. Finally, girls measured the distance their car traveled and brainstormed possible improvements.