After School Spring 2016: Week 3

After School Blog

It’s a Landslide!

Girlstart girls are shaking things up for Week 3 of After School! Students built a tiny town and examined the effects of landslides, mudslides, and earthquakes. The lesson began with a quick overview of seismographs and the Richter Scale before the girls began assembling their cities.







Each group’s “town” was located at the foot of a slope. Girls observed the effects of their landslides – made of sand, rocks, and water – on the town’s unfortunate residents. A little shaking mimicked the effects of an earthquake, which students could measure using their adapted Richter Scale.















This week’s lesson ended with a discussion about scientific experimentation and the impact that landslides can have on a city. Girls answered the questions, “What other materials could we test in our landslide? What are other causes of landslides? Where is the safest location to build a house in a hilly area?” At Girlstart, we’re asking the rocky questions to prepare future seismologists to build a better future!