After School ‘to Go’ Fall 2016: Week 4

After School Blog

Liquid Circuits

During Week 4 of After School To-Go, students combined liquids and electricity and to bring a little light to the Electrical Engineer career. This activity should always be conducted with adult supervision! Girls investigated electrical currents to find a solution to the global problem of water access. First, students built closed circuits to light a bulb. Certain materials, like a paperclip and an eraser, were tested for conductivity.












Next, girls were asked about the conductivity of liquids. Aluminum covered straws were used as conductivity testers for various liquids. Saltwater, chocolate milk, and Gatorade were shown to conduct electricity! Why? The salt in saltwater and chocolate milk and the electrolytes in Gatorade act like invisible wires to connect the circuit. Finally, girls discussed real-world applications of this conductivity testing. How can scientists use conductivity testing to bring clean drinking water to people around the world?


















Girls considered this question and came up with a few answers, including using conductivity testing to determine if a batch of water still contains saltwater. If the water conducts electricity, some salt remains and the water is not suitable for drinking. At Girlstart After School To-Go, students are learning STEM skills in the context of real-world situations and exploring real-world solutions!