After School ‘to Go’ Spring 2016: Week 9

After School Blog

Exploring Wind Energy

This week at After School To-Go, girls learned about the blustery, breezy, brisk power of wind! Through this week’s activity, students explored the skills and duties of a wind energy engineer and designed their own turbine-powered car!

How can you move a toy car without using your hands? Group leaders encouraged their students to brainstorm creative ideas to this problem. Naturally, Girlstart students tackled the situation using their knowledge of renewable resources and suggested solar, electric, or wind energy. Next, the students formed groups to design their own wind turbines to power a toy car!

















Using paperclips, rulers, pencils, and cardstock, each group created a wind turbine and attached it to a toy car. Each group tested their designs by blowing on the turbine or using a fan to create a breeze. Although the turbines looked similar to each other, each car’s movement and path varied from group to group. Girls discussed the differences and suggested possible improvements. Each group tried changing the angle and speed of their breezes, then observed the effects of the change in the movement of the cars.











Lastly, girls put their turbines to the test in a racecar challenge! In the spirit of friendly competition, groups made final tweaks to their designs, then fanned their way to fast and furious. At Girlstart, we’re encouraging the next generation of wind engineers to envision, evaluate, and excel!