Cognizant Foundation Donor Spotlight

Cognizant Foundation Donor Spotlight Q&A

Please share a little about the Cognizant Foundation.

The Cognizant Foundation was established in 2018 to inspire, educate and prepare people of all ages to succeed in the workforce of today and tomorrow. We believe the tech industry can serve as an engine to unlock economic opportunity and expand equity in communities around the world. But that won’t happen unless we rethink existing talent pipelines and create more accessible pathways into high-paying STEM careers—that’s why our work focuses so heavily on supporting historically excluded and underrepresented populations.


Why is Girlstart, or other organizations like us, important to the foundation?

We know that early identity plays a powerful role in the jobs and careers we ultimately have. To expand and diversify the pipeline into fields like technology, more people need to be able to see themselves in the work—and that needs to start early on. Girlstart’s work is so important, because its programs successfully introduce girls to STEM concepts and career awareness at the ages where we find inspiration for our future.


What change does the foundation wish to see in the STEM field, and how do you plan to be a part of that change?

According to a recent AAUW report, “Women make up only 28% of the STEM workforce, and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields in college. The gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs of the future, like computer science and engineering.”

Our approach to address these alarming trends is to amplify, empower and accelerate the growth of proven models of community led programs—such as Girlstart. With partnerships like ours, we aim to unlock human potential and create more robust talent pipelines starting in a student’s early education years. As the girls impacted by Girlstart’s programs progress throughout their academic and professional careers, we hope they have access to the tools, resources and networks to realize their full potential.


Why does the foundation think it is important for girls to have positive experiences in STEM education?

As technology transforms work in just about every sector of the global economy, these advances continue to create unparalleled opportunities for many—however, far too few have access to the quality STEM education, training and opportunities required to improve their economic mobility in a changing landscape.

Starting at an early age, girls are discouraged and deterred from STEM topics in elementary school—this is one reason for the stark gender imbalance in our workforce. To combat this, foundations like ours must make strategic investments to break flawed systems and build new ones so that at every point in a girls’ learning journey, they have the tools, resources and networks necessary to develop competencies in scientific inquiry and reasoning—and in turn, a deep interest in STEM and computer science fields.


How is the foundation helping bridge the gap in representation in the STEM field for women of color?

In addition to support for organizations like Girlstart, offering young girls the opportunity to engage with STEM concepts from an early age—we are proud of other grantee partners, such as Break Through Tech and Reboot Representation and their tireless work to remove barriers and create innovative opportunities for women (especially women of color) to secure and thrive in STEM academic programs, internships and high-paying tech careers. We recently highlighted these two organizations and their work on International Women’s Day, as we detailed the foundation’s commitment to challenge the barriers facing women in STEM.


In the past year, what steps have you taken to diversify the STEM workforce pipeline in North Texas?

Girlstart is a longstanding partner to both Cognizant and the Cognizant Foundation, and we know the girls who experience Girlstart’s programs successfully go on to pursue education and career pathways in STEM. In addition to this partnership, we have additional grantee partners working to diversity the STEM workforce in Texas—such as NPower Texas, which prepares veterans and their families for tech careers; as well as CodePath, Flatiron School and Turing School, all providing historically excluded students with STEM and digital skills training, certificates and career opportunities.


Anything else you would like to share about the Cognizant Foundation?

We just want to echo how proud we are of our partnership with Girlstart and how excited we are to continue our work together. If anyone is interested in connecting with the foundation, please feel free to follow us on Twitter and on LinkedIn.


Girlstart is so grateful for the support of the Cognizant Foundation! Thank you for making STEM learning possible for so many girls!

COVID-19 Policies

Girlstart’s top priority is the safety and well-being of our participants, staff, volunteers, and the communities we serve. We also believe that continuing our mission of providing hands-on STEM learning meets a vital need for children and families.

As we go into the school year, we have a responsibility not only to deliver meaningful, informal STEM education programs, but also to keep our Girlstart community as safe as possible– especially our participants who are under 12 and not yet vaccine-eligible. 

Therefore, Girlstart is instituting the following policies for all upcoming in-person events and programming:

Masks must be worn at all times by all visitors age 2 and older. (For school-based programs, masks will be strongly encouraged if not required by the district.)

• When possible, events will take place outdoors.

• Space will be monitored to allow for social distancing.

• All Girlstart staff members will be fully vaccinated.

We are an organization dedicated to STEM education, and following the CDC, the National Afterschool Association, and state and local health department recommendations, we believe everyone who is eligible and able to do so should get vaccinated. Vaccines are the best tool we have to help control and mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Girlstart will continue to monitor community spread numbers, and use guidance from state and local health departments and the CDC as resources. We will update our policies and plans accordingly as needed. Please join us in doing all that we can to protect our friends, family, and the entire country.

Adele Mae Luta

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Adele Mae Luta

Exploration Spacewalk Integration Project Manager @ Oceaneering International Inc.

Adele is an Exploration Spacewalk Integration Project Manager at Oceaneering International Inc.  Her passion for the STEM field as a young girl has led her to supporting the exploration spacesuit and space vehicle integration for NASA’s next missions to the moon. She encourages young girls to have confidence and not let obstacles get in the way of your dreams.

What sparked your interest and made you want to volunteer with Girlstart?

Girlstart has amazing programs like their Summer Camps. It would have been great to attend when I was a girl. I love the Q&A with the girls!

Was there a specific person, program, or event in your life that led you to your STEM career?

It was many things but I loved math in school and when I discovered that physics was a way to apply math – I was hooked!

Briefly describe your career.

I am supporting the exploration spacesuit and space vehicle integration for NASA’s next missions to the moon. Due to my STEM degrees, I have been lucky to work in human spaceflight, defense, and healthcare. I have also lived and worked internationally. I love sharing stories about innovation, physics, and human systems. I hold a BS and MS degrees in Physics and an MS and PhD (ABD) in Psychology with an emphasis in cognition and learning.

What are your favorite things about your career?

Being challenged, especially when I am part of a team developing something that has never been done before in outer space. 

What projects/programs have you worked on?

I have supported NASA’s Space Shuttle program, the International Space Station program, and now Artemis as we return to the moon. I have also been able to support really cool defense and healthcare initiatives through Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) programs.

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career? What words of encouragement would you share with them? 

Science doesn’t care if you are cool, rich, or have lots of followers. Science is hard and demanding but amazing and powerful. If this sounds interesting, maybe you are a future scientist!

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?

STEM is hard, but that is what makes it great! At least for me. When you come across a challenge that you need to overcome – having confidence in yourself and your team keeps you moving toward the solution.

Adele is also a member of AstraFemina, a non-profit organization of women who are leaders in STEM fields, with a mission to Inspire Today’s Girls to Become Tomorrow’s STEM Stars by sharing their stories.

Rachel Medbery

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Rachel Medbery

Thoracic Surgeon @ Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons

Rachel Medbery is a Thoracic Surgeon @ Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons. She has a passion for being in the STEM field and loves to help others. She is the first female thoracic surgeon in Central Texas and is thrilled to lead the path for other young women. We are so grateful to have her on our blog today to discuss her experiences and hear more about what led her to a career in STEM!

What sparked your interest and made you want to volunteer with Girlstart?

I’m hopeful to influence other young women to attack their dreams and passions head-on and not to be discouraged by the fields that are mostly male-dominated. We need more women breaking glass ceilings!

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career? What words of encouragement would you share with them? 

DO NOT let anyone tell you that you “can’t” or that you “shouldn’t!” Also, do not be scared by a challenge. The challenging careers make success all the more rewarding. Keep your head down and keep your eye on your ultimate goal. Ask for help and lean on friends and family for support. Others want to help you succeed!

Was there a specific person, program, or event in your life that led you to your STEM career?

When I was in my 5th grade science class and got to dissect frogs, I just loved it! It’s funny because I was so scared that I actually asked my mother to write an “excuse note” so that I wouldn’t have to do it; luckily, she refused. I had so much fun that I went home that night and told my parents I wanted to become a surgeon. I never looked back. 

What are your favorite things about your career/field?

I love the instant gratification of surgery. It is very high risk but high reward. I’m able to see patients, take them to the operating room and fix a problem. I go home at the end of the day knowing I have helped impact other people’s lives for the better. 

Briefly describe your career/field.

I’m a general thoracic surgeon which means I operate on everything in a person’s chest except their heart and aorta. Approximately 70% of my practice involves removing cancers of the chest — most of which are lung cancers. I do the majority of my cases minimally invasively with the DaVinci robot. 

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?

Young women need to realize they can be and do anything their heart desires and they need female mentors to help give encouragement.

What projects/programs have you worked on?

I am the first female thoracic surgeon in Central Texas! I’m so excited to lead the path for other young women. 

What is your greatest accomplishment?

I’m mostly proud of the fact that I never gave up. I had a dream and a kept on moving in a direction to make it come true. After high school, 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 7 years of general surgery training and 3 years of cardiothoracic surgery training…I finally accomplished my dream. The road was long and challenging and I’m mostly proud of my perseverance.