In this final week of Girlstart After School, the girls had the opportunity to pick some of their favorite experiments of the semester and redo them in order to show their parents the amazing things they had learned! The week before, the girls chose the top five experiments of the semester which included Lights Out, Cookie Mining, Sedimentation Rock Cups, River Pollution, and Miner Rescue.

The girls were split up into five groups and were in charge of rebuilding the experiment and creating informative posters. Along with this, the girls had to put together a presentation that explained the subject matter of the experiment and career that went along with it. Each group had a unique way of presenting that showed a bit of their personality. Some groups came up with a skit, others made a script, while others focused more on visual elements and allowed the experiment to do the talking.
Once it came time for parents to arrive the girls were nervous but full of excitement. As the girls presented, their understanding of the subject manner shined through. They answered all the questions and proudly displayed their Girlstart journals to show the scientific process they had to take in order to complete their experiment. At the end, many girls were sad to say goodbye but super excited to receive their Girlstart shirt and continue their journey through STEM!