Shane’s Lane – Striding into year two at Girlstart ✨

As I write this second edition of Shane’s Lane, I am celebrating my one-year anniversary at Girlstart—and can’t help but look back on a year filled with hugs, smiles, hard decisions, transitions, welcoming new hires, and so much more. There are days when I have conversations that feel like I’ve been at Girlstart for years, but then I get asked how long I have served as executive director and I realize…it’s been the quickest twelve months ever!

The three overarching goals I’ve been working towards with my team have been empowering more girls to pursue STEM, increasing Girlstart’s visibility, and dreaming big to strengthen our future.

Empowering Girls: When asked what sets us apart from other girl-serving organizations, I proudly answer that our secret sauce is that Girlstart makes STEM fun, engaging, relevant, and not intimidating. The Girlstart ecosystem offers a wide breadth of curriculum and learning opportunities for elementary and middle school girls, as well as the young people working toward STEM careers, who serve as our STEM CREW program leaders. Over the past year, I’ve hosted visitors at showcases for our After School programs, where girls have learned about everything from electrical engineering and circuitry to video game design and coding, and seen STEM CREW make memories with our youth at Summer Camp (which holds a special place in my heart). I also got to attend our first-ever Girls in STEM Conference in North Texas (pictured below), where we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary of programming!

Increasing Visibility: Girlstart is emerging as a sought-after voice in important local and national conversations. We’ve been welcomed as a new member of the STEMM Opportunity Alliance, a White House initiative to develop a national strategy for achieving equity in STEMM, and participated in Texas Girls in STEM Day at UT Dallas thanks to State Representative Rhetta Bowers. I’ve also had the privilege of taking part in many guest speaking opportunities, ranging from an interview with the Weather Channel to a panel conversation organized by Charity Navigator. The growth in Girlstart’s visibility is also because of dynamic and dedicated volunteer leaders who help us build our networks. To support this, we’ve relaunched our Regional Councils and welcome supporters who are excited to advocate for us in North Texas, Houston, Central Texas, the East Coast, and the West Coast. If you’d like to learn more about joining Regional Councils, please email

Girlstart staff with State Representative Rhetta Bowers at Texas Girls in STEM Day at UT Dallas

Dreaming Big: A recent report by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that the average American elementary classroom devotes less than 20 minutes per day to science, making our out-of-school, in-depth STEM programming more vital than ever. With too many students lacking access to quality science instruction, the current science education reality in this country requires solutions like what Girlstart can offer. This year is a strategic planning year for Girlstart, meaning that we are creating goals for the next three years and defining smart growth and how to amplify our presence and impact. Pro-bono experts are working with us to identify new income channels and strengthen our financial stability. Other conversations with our staff and National Board of Directors are focused around refining our mission and vision statements and organizational values, as well as capitalizing on our competitive advantage.

Girlstart is a truly special place to work and this year members of our staff purchased their first homes, traveled to exciting destinations, welcomed new family members, and more, all while doing this amazing work. I recently got to experience a huge milestone of my own as I saw my daughter Raegan graduate from Texas Woman’s University with a degree in Psychology. She is one step closer to entering the STEM workforce and heads to graduate school in the fall to study Human Centered Design and Engineering.

I’m so thankful I get to come to work every day and inspire young girls to pursue STEM—especially those who don’t yet know that STEM is for them. I look forward to another year as your executive director and continuing this mission of empowerment together!


Shane Woods,
Executive Director

Volunteer Spotlight: Charmaine San Jose Hinahon

April is National Volunteer Month and we’d like to give a shout out to all of the amazing people who volunteer for Girlstart! We are thankful for the time and energy they spend to help us provide fun and empowering STEM experiences to girls and their families.

Today, we’re spotlighting Charmaine San Jose Hinahon, one of our long-time volunteers who has truly made a difference at Girlstart!

How long have you been volunteering for Girlstart?  

I have been a volunteer since 2009.

How did you find out about Girlstart? What made you want to work with us? 

My company, Thermo Fisher Scientific, started participating with the annual Girls in Stem Conference in 2008. The folks (including Angie Cheng) organizing the workshop looked like they were having so much fun, so I joined the following year. My company has been participating in the annual event since 2008. 

What is your favorite part about volunteering with Girlstart?

 Seeing all the young scientists’ excitement for learning science.

Is there a fun anecdote you’d like to share or an event you’ve attended that stood out to you?

One year we presented a workshop theme featuring techniques used in crime scene investigation shows: blood splatter detection, fingerprinting, DNA matching, etc. A participant was so convinced with our expertise, they wanted to know if we had been on television! Unfortunately, we had not, but our scientific instruments have been on TV.

Do you currently work in a STEM career? If so, what advice would you give girls who are interested in pursuing STEM?

Yes, I am an R&D scientist for Thermo Fisher Scientific. My advice for future scientists is to nurture your curiosity! If you are curious and enjoy asking questions of the world around you, and are driven to test out those questions, this is a career for you. You will learn something new every day.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Research is called research because there is a lot of re-do and re-peat, hence the word Re-search. Scientists have learned to embrace the successes as well as the failures. Even a failed experiment teaches you something; we call it proof of principle. I’m a huge fan of the Ted Lasso show. We’ve adopted the motto in the lab to Believe, to Be a Goldfish when the experiment fails, and to know that Science is Life!!!

Click here to view upcoming volunteer opportunities.

STEM Extravaganza

This February, Girlstart hosted a Valentine’s Day-themed STEM Extravaganza event at the Girlstart STEM Center in Austin, TX. We had 17 volunteers come out and help make this community event a success.

Volunteers led hands-on activity booths, such as designing heart-shaped bubble wands, constructing a gummy heart dome, and creating an LED valentine. Throughout the event, attendees were able to learn about how those activities could translate into actual careers in STEM!

We are so grateful for the time and effort our volunteers put into this event! With their help, Girlstart continues to further our mission of increasing young girls’ interest in STEM!

Sign up to volunteer at our next event HERE.

Shane’s Lane – My Vision For Girlstart In 2023 ❤️

Cheers to a new year of empowering girls in STEM! I want to give a warm welcome to all of our newsletter subscribers, whether you recently signed up or have been with us for years. Thank you for supporting our work to increase girls’ interest and engagement in STEM. 

This is the inaugural edition of “Shane’s Lane,” a newsletter where every few months I’ll share with you what’s new in my world. I’m a runner–my goal is to do a half marathon later this year and I’ve done several 5Ks this month–so “Shane’s Lane” seemed an appropriate title, and a fun play on words. I’m excited to give you an inside look at my work as Executive Director through these messages.You can also look forward to Girlstart’s monthly e-newsletter, which is picking back up again next month.

Before I share with you my 2023 goals, here are my highlights from 2022:

1. My first tour of the Austin STEM Center: I was overwhelmed by the sheer possibilities that await the girls who visit our flagship location!
2. Summer Camp: Seeing the hard work of our staff yield lightbulb moments in STEM feeds my soul. I was over the moon when I heard that the most recorded survey comment from our campers was “never give up”. 
3. Staff Retreat: This fall, Girlstart employees convened in Austin over two days for strategizing, planning, and team building. Being in community with our staff and hearing from each person allowed me to see so clearly the amazing skill sets of each human who serves this organization. I know you also have the pleasure of interacting with these individuals who make Girlstart what it is!
4. Austin Game Changers Luncheon: The in-person return of Girlstart’s annual fundraising event was a memorable day! Seeing a physical representation of so many of the people–like you–who believe in the mission of Girlstart was priceless. Being able to recognize those who were integral to the first 25 years of Girlstart was touching.
5. Messages from past campers, alumni, volunteers, and board members: Each month, I hear from someone who has great memories of Girlstart and wants to know how they can continue to help us move forward.

My priorities for 2023 fall into three categories:
• Maximize our impact in the schools and communities we currently serve
• Create and support a staffing structure that allows us to operate in a manner that is best in class for girl-serving organizations
• Strategically orchestrate and document how we do the business of Girlstart by making data-driven decisions in the areas of HR, Operations, Revenue Generation, and Stewardship

My ultimate goal for 2023 is that this organization is where a girl starts to embrace that feeling of belonging in all the communities we serve.

If you have a couple more minutes today, I hope you’ll watch the video below, where I share a few more thoughts as we head into 2023 together.

And, if you have a friend (or two) who would be interested in learning more about Girlstart, share the love and send them this blog post so they can get plugged in to our community. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm for Girlstart. I am looking forward to an amazing year as your Executive Director. 


Shane Woods,
Executive Director