Karla Saludares

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Karla Saludares

Owner/Founder @ Texican Oil & Gas LLC

Karla has volunteered with Girlstart in the past, and loved speaking at our summer camps. She is truly passionate about inspiring the next generation of women to thrive in various STEM fields, and we are so excited to have her on the blog today to share her story as an Engineer.

What sparked your interest and made you want to volunteer with Girlstart?
As a young girl, I was never exposed to science and math in a way that made it cool or inviting. As a mother to a young girl, I want to let girls know that there are many careers within STEM where they can flourish. I really believe that it is our job as a community to help raise the next generation. We are here to help as mentors, volunteers, teachers, parents and counselors.

Can you give us a brief overview of your career path?
I am a petroleum engineer (graduated from The University of Texas at Austin). My job has involved how to most efficiently and economically find and produce oil & natural gas from the earth and bring it to the surface. Specifically, for most of my career, I was a reservoir engineer. We are essentially project managers that collaborate with various disciplines such as drilling, completions, land, regulatory, and management so that we can execute a drilling program.

Was there any influence in your life growing up that pushed you towards STEM?
I knew I wanted to be an engineer because I loved math. My junior year in high school I visited the college/counselor room and saw a bar chart on what the starting salaries were for different types of engineers. Well, petroleum engineering was at the top; I went for my BS in Petroleum Engineering and enjoyed all the challenges and problem solving!

Do you have any words of encouragement you would like to share with girls interested in a STEM career?
If you are a girl and are considering a STEM career, jump in! Start by learning as much as you can about math, science, and technology. Your job for the first few years of your life is to learn as much as possible. Ask your question in class. Raise your hand. Work hard. No one can stop you. Ask for help when you need guidance.

Why do you think confidence in STEM important for girls?
The ability to have confidence in STEM for girls is the beginning to powerful and meaningful change in the world. It is a step for true equality, for innovation.

Sarah Strobhar

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Sarah Strobhar
Worldwide Applied AI Services Specialist @ Amazon Web Services

Sarah found Girlstart after previously volunteering with other female STEM organizations and wanted to get more involved. She is one of many amazing Women In Tech, and we are excited to highlight her story today as part of our Computer Science week!

Briefly describe your career trajectory.
I’ve spent much of my career in business development and sales strategy for technology companies, from early stage software startups to global tech giants. I’m currently a Worldwide Applied AI Services Specialist at Amazon Web Services for a machine learning service called Amazon Forecast. My role involves working closely with the product management team to build and execute a go-to-market plan, identify the right target market segments and use cases for the product, and accelerate adoption of new AI / ML services at AWS. Prior to this role, I was Head of Sales at Onera, a VC-backed Bay Area startup that leverages machine learning to enhance decision making across the supply chain for enterprise retailers and brands. I have an AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification, that enables me to help customers architect and migrate workloads to AWS. In 2019, I received my MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management.

Was there a specific program in your life that led you to your career?
Early in my career, I worked in sales for a small IT company in New York that sold hardware, software, and implementation services to small-and-medium size businesses. In order to better serve our customers, I decided to do a training program at VMware that dove deep into virtualization and the infrastructure stack required to run private and public clouds. I received my VMware VTSP technical certification, and found that I really enjoyed the technology industry. I also found that an important and valued skill in the market is the ability to explain complex technical solutions to customers in a clear, digestible way. 

What is your favorite thing about being in the technology industry?
Frequent innovation and fast pace of the software industry.

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?
Confidence in STEM opens the door to a plethora of options for girls, from joining big tech companies, to joining innovative startups, to launching their own company. Skills in STEM are highly valued in the workplace, and will give girls the confidence to believe they can conquer the world and be captains of their own ship. Learning in-demand skills builds confidence, and provides choices. Choices provide freedom. 

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career? What words of encouragement would you share with them? 
You are better at this than you think. Don’t give up, believe in yourself, and know that these skills will help you WIN in a competitive world. Investment in learning STEM now will pay off for the rest of your life. It will make you feel strong, independent, and powerful. It will give you the ability to be the master of your own fate. BE BOLD and know that you can do anything you set your mind to. 

Anything else you want our readers to know about you?
In my free time, I enjoy reading, hiking, mountain climbing, skiing, and race car driving. I have two cats, Oliver & Dodger, and a German Shepherd puppy named Willa who looks adorable but likes to get into trouble.