Materials List: Solar System and Galaxy Starry Night at Home

We are excited for you to participate in Girlstart’s Starry Night at Home, including a Solar System & Galaxy star show and hands-on STEM activities! Gather materials from around the house and join us on Thursday, October 1st for Starry fun.

* The following list contains affiliate links. Girlstart is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Planetary Scavenger Hunt

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Ruler (with centimeters)

Pocket Solar System

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  • Clear tape or glue stick (only if using copy paper)
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Pencil or pen
  • Receipt paper, copy paper, or toilet paper (receipt paper works best)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

Solar Water Purifier

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Coins or a small rock
  • Food coloring
  • Large bowl
  • Plastic wrap
  • Salt (~ ½ cup)
  • Small, heavy cup (shorter than the large bowl)
  • Spoon
  • Sunshine
  • Water

Sun Designs

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Construction paper
  • Cotton swab or paintbrush (optional)
  • Small objects from around your house (coins, Legos, craft sticks, office supplies, etc.)
  • Sunscreen (optional)
  • Sunshine
  • Tape

Materials List: Greek Starry Night at Home

We are excited for you to participate in Girlstart’s Starry Night at Home, including a Greek star show and hands-on STEM activities! Gather materials from around the house and join us on Thursday, September 3rd for Starry fun.

* The following list contains affiliate links. Girlstart is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Greek Columns

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Books
  • 3 pieces of copy paper
  • Tape

Greek Labyrinth

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Marble
  • Marker or pen
  • Paper or Styrofoam plate (a piece of cardboard works too!)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • 10-20 straws
  • Tape

Olympic Flame in a Bottle

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • Empty plastic bottle
  • Food coloring
  • Fork
  • Funnel (optional)
  • Small bowl
  • Tablespoon
  • Vegetable or canola oil

Parthenon Architecture

Add materials to your Amazon shopping cart

  • 2-4 books
  • 12 paper cups
  • 2 pieces of cardboard (large enough to stand on)
  • 12 pieces of copy paper (or more!)
  • Straw, dowel, or pencil
  • Tape

STEM Extravaganza at Home: Astronomy Day

Wrap up your STEM Extravaganza at Home with an entire day dedicated to astronomy! First, learn all about constellations as you build your own personal viewer and discover the consequences of light pollution. Then, explore Girlstart’s Starry Nights at Home to hear about constellations from different cultures. Finally, design your own unique “star show” using the night sky as your planetarium. By the end of the day, you’ll be a master astronomer!