Girls in STEM Statement

At this time, Girlstart is moving forward with our annual Girls in STEM Conference. The current statistics, which we know are changing quickly, state that children have not been shown to be a high-risk group for serious illness from the COVID-19 virus. However, we are working with our host district and following all the recommended guidelines regarding hygiene, travel, and other considerations in order to make informed decisions. We will continue to closely monitor federal, state, and local guidelines regarding the virus and adjust our plans if needed. 

Girlstart understands new information is coming out daily/hourly regarding COVID-19 and we will continue to keep our families updated. We acknowledge the uncertainty at this time. If you would like to cancel your daughter’s registration for a full refund, please contact

We plan to send another communication on COVID-19 within the next two weeks. Girlstart knows the importance of providing kids with unique opportunities to look forward to, especially during this challenging time, and we hope our conference will provide such an opportunity. 


Local Austin Jewelry Line Ruby & Violet Supports Girlstart

This Valentine’s, local Austin jewelry line Ruby & Violet is giving you the perfect excuse to buy just a little something for yourself. Or maybe a cute little something for your daughter, sister, Mom, or Aunt with a gift that gives back.

Ruby & Violet has designed two beautiful necklaces specifically in support of Girlstart. Through the end of February, 30% of each necklace purchased goes directly to Girlstart.

“We chose a single, softly shaped pearl for the adult necklace, and a row of seed pearls that’s perfect for young girls. The pearl was an easy choice for a necklace that supports Girlstart. Pearls represent femininity, feminine wisdom, and charity, and they are considered precious and pure. Pearls are created slowly over time and are a beauty created from within. Perfect for both us and the beautiful, strong girls in our lives, ” said Megan Wells, founder of Ruby & Violet.

Thank you, Ruby & Violet for supporting Girlstart and STEM education for girls!  You can find both Girlstart necklaces here at the bottom of the “Necklace” section of the Ruby & Violet website.

Here’s to empowering girls through STEM!

Coding is our Scratch

December 8th-14th is Computer Science Education Week! This week is dedicated to inspiring youth to take interest in computer science. In addition to Girlstart’s deSTEMber activities, check out for even more fun computer science focused activities. You can write your first computer program, learn JavaScript, or even make your own games or apps!

Use the programming power of Scratch to create your own moving mythical creature! Scratch is a programming language that can be used to design your own interactive stories, games, and animations. You can pick a creature from the library or draw your own, then program it to switch between different ‘costumes’ with the push of a button to watch your creature move!

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!

Create your own FREE Scratch account here:

This summer our girls extended their programming creativity by adding a MaKey MaKey to uniquely control their mythical creature. MaKey MaKey allows you to turn almost anything conductive into a keyboard. Go to for this fun additional activity. Girlstart has no affiliation with MaKey MaKey or their profits; we just think it is a cool product.