Marcae Bryant-Omosor

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Marcae Bryant-Omosor

Software Engineer @ USAA

Marcae has volunteered with Girlstart at previous events and enjoyed mentoring and sharing her story with the participants. We are thrilled that she is doing the same today by inspiring an even bigger audience through our Women In STEM Blog!

What sparked your interest and made you want to volunteer with Girlstart?
Girlstart shares a similar vision that I am passionate about that address’s emergent needs within our city, state, and national fronts. Mentoring our most precious resources to craft the desire, passion, and skills necessary to lead our nation across all facets of STEM-driven industries. Having a strong support system is essential to the root of their success and leaders today must own our position in promoting their success. Strategically and intentionally surrounding young girls so that they can envision themselves in the driver seat one day and building them up by equipping them with vital resources to be successful. This is me doing my part; teamwork is key as we must work cohesively.

Can you briefly describe what you do?
I am a tenacious problem solver, solving today’s IT challenges to effectively identify, protect, mitigate, and harden the company’s network from unwanted attackers to protect the company’s most valuable data, and sensitive information resources. This can be done from many paths from software application development, network cyber defense, internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other choices depending on personal interests.

What are your favorite things about your career?
For me, I am a change agent, advocate, mentor, software engineer, and speaker that will continue to make a difference in community, state, and national endeavors pertaining to nation security, cyber-infrastructure, and cybersecurity workforce diversity and equity. Through empowerment, I enjoy solving critical problems of today and offering time-centered solutions that make a difference on all levels. Whether I get to develop secure coding practices, protect a network node that is attacked working, or tuning the latest machine learning model my job is never boring for me. Each task helps to protect our friends, families, or neighbors from cyber attackers and preserve our personal information as we continue in the digital age.

Was there a specific person or program in your life that encouraged you to pursue your STEM career?
Two esteemed professors from the University of South Florida spearheaded the Youth for Engineering Society that ignited my passion for math, science and computers. I spent many Saturday mornings from 9AM – 12PM working on advanced math problems, computer programming, and science experiments that pushed my mind and challenged me to think critically, problem solve, and never give up on my dreams.

What advice would you like to give girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career?
For future young women seeking STEM opportunities and careers, I would encourage them to embrace the following strategies: (1) adopt a learning-by-doing strategy; (2) seek sponsorships to help empower personal growth; (3) invest in short-term and long-term goal-setting plan; (4) don’t let anyone derail you from accomplishing your goals; (5) truly embrace full engagement and immersion within your goal plan at any opportunity.

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?
Confidence is a foundational pillar and plays a major role for women of any age as we effectively navigate our career journeys. Confidence helps to ignite conviction that girls can secure and do well in STEM careers. Also, confidence helps girls embrace knew opportunities and challenges, participate in networking and sponsorship programs, and design valuable professional development plans that help propel careers. However, girls must believe that they can do the job, advance their knowledge, and strategically align goals for promotion and growth of which confidence is the key to achieving this mindset.

Is there anything else you would like to share? Any other words of encouragement?
Barriers and obstacles will certainly creep into our paths; however, I have developed the following mindset and processes to help me overcome. For me, investing in a love for reading coupled with a zest to learn new things has remained with me from the beginning. Therefore, I would recommend others to adopt such a game plan combined with participating purposefully in networking, creating authentic personal development plans, and above all “DO IT” anyway. Meaning even if you don’t know, even if you’re not sure, even if you are afraid…DO IT anyway. At the end of the day, chalk this experience up to growing pains and get back up and try again. Without failure there is no success.

Jaqueline Grandoit

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Jaqueline Grandoit

Business Development Director @ Copeland Auto Group

Jaqueline is a new volunteer with Girlstart, but is eager to see a difference in the world. She works in the automotive industry coaching agents, driving traffic, and implementing new tactics to increase sales. Being on the business side of STEM, she still faces a lot of the disparities in the workforce, and is getting involved to see that gap close. 

What sparked your interest and made you want to volunteer with Girlstart?
I had always feared being challenged and change. I quickly learned as I got older that challenging yourself is the only way to grow and become the best version of yourself. I was always surrounded by strong women, but not women in dominating careers. I want to be that light for young girls that may not have that extra push around them or just need to be motivated to know that we are powerful together. We can do magical things together because girl power is one of the most amazing feelings. To have a support group or people to turn to when you feel like things are really hard makes progressing, changing and growing so much easier.

What are your favorite things about your career?
When you are helping people with one of the biggest decisions of their life it is such a great feeling to be honest and provide helpful information that will help make such a large purchase feel less stressful. I love that it is something new every day and I see more women joining the industry and moving quickly to management positions.

Do you have any words of encouragement, or advice, for young girls interested in pursuing a STEM career?
Having a support group, routines, and a program to help empower and encourage girls to create healthy habits and goals is important to a successful career. Never give up, always remember tomorrow is a new day, and continuous learning is key to be the greatest version of you! As girls we will always be stronger together.

Was there a specific person, program, or event in your life that led you to STEM?
I have volunteered since the age of 13 in all different sectors however, the Women’s Conference 2019 helped me meet the STEM group. I have been on a journey for a number of years to bring women into industries that are male dominated. 

Why do you think that confidence in STEM important for girls?
It is very important that early on girls know how smart, strong and empowering we are. How much our stories can help another girl go through a hard time and empower her to work towards her dreams. The sky is the limit and girls have got to know that if they just work hard, never give us and support other girls around them they will achieve anything they want in life. Nothing is impossible and there are no boundaries as long as you believe in your dreams.


Matsuri Rojano-Nisimura

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Matsuri Rojano-Nisimura

Biochemistry PhD Candidate @ UT Austin

Matsuri became involved with Girlstart after hearing of her friend’s experiences with us. Wanting to make a difference and get more girls interested in STEM, she quickly joined us! We are so thankful to have her speaking about her journey getting a PhD in Biochemistry!

Briefly describe your career/field.

Microorganisms are able to live in many sorts of environments like soil, rocks, oceans and even inside our body (and they sometimes make us sick). They adapt to their environment by using a specific set of instructions called genes that are contained in every living cell. My research tries to study how bacteria decide which instructions to follow, or which genes to use, and what strategies they employ to use different sets of genes depending on the conditions of their environment.

What are your favorite things about your field?

One of my favorite things is being able to ask new questions and test my ideas in the lab. I like being able to imagine new experiments and carry them out to see an outcome. Even when experiments don’t always work out, it is challenging and exciting to think about what could have gone wrong or why it did not work as I expected.

Did any specific person or program influence your decision to pursue STEM?

My mom and dad are both clinical chemists. Growing up I would watch them go into the lab each day and help people. I decided I wanted to contribute and be a scientist like them.

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in a STEM career?

Let your imagination run and don’t be afraid to express your ideas!

Why do you think confidence in STEM important for girls?

A lot of what we do as researchers involves questioning and putting your own ideas out for discussion. I think girls in STEM must be extremely confident and believe in themselves because their ideas are, in the end, what will generate the next scientific breakthrough.

Shefali Pearson

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Shefali Pearson

Game Product Manager @ Electronic Arts

Shefali is passionate about seeing women/girls in STEM succeed, and got involved with Girlstart to make that happen. Today she is talking about her career in technology, specifically in video games!

Can you explain a little bit about what you do?

I work in Technology and it’s the most exciting space. Technology is so vast and my current industry is video games. Building games for people to enjoy and play is a fulfilling job. As a Product Manager; I need to know my product, guide my stakeholders, make data-based decisions and keep my users at the forefront of design. My favorite things about my career are seeing my users happy with my product and being at the helm of innovation and creativity!

Working with video games sounds so cool! Was there a specific person/program that got you interested in this particular STEM field?

I loved playing games on my PC since I was 12, I knew since then I wanted to be in the Technology space and at some point, in the game space.

Do you have any words of encouragement that you would like to share with girls who may be interested in doing what you do?

Who runs the world? Girls! STEM needs more women like you! Believe in yourself and your abilities. Work hard and hone skills that will help you get where you are going with your goals. Ask for help when you need it and have laser sharp focus. Most importantly, dream big and don’t look back. You never know what skills you pick up from sports, hobbies or anything that could help you along in your career/education.

Why do you think confidence in STEM is important for girls?

Being focused on your goals, having confidence and believing you can achieve as much, and more than, your peers is the key to driving forward.