Kids of all ages darted towards DeSTEMber Extravaganza prested by Girlstart across the nation on December 1 to create and innovate. They tested remote control cars, built battery operated “doodle bots,” and students and parents alike learned that science is fun.
DeSTEMber Extravaganza, a free event hosted by Girlstart, encouraged curious minds to take an active role in exploring science, technology, engineering, and math. The event kicked off a month of free STEM activities and experiments posted on the Girlstart website here.
A big thank you goes out to our sponsors in Austin; 3M and Women in Physics, and our partners across the nation; City Center, Columbia Neighborhood Center, and the Waltham Boys & Girls Club, as well as our volunteers in every location! Because of you, a parent watched his son learn about electricity for the first time and another saw her daughter delight in unfolding a perfectly designed paper snowflake. It’s the little moments that count, and your contributions made them possible.
You can check out photos from all of the events online here!