DeSTEMber Materials List


Activities for the week of December 8th-14th 2014

Here are the materials for the second week of deSTEMber:

12.08 – Coding Is Our Scratch
12.09 – LEGO Language
12.10 – Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
12.11 – Lightbot
12.12 – Edible Aquifer
12.13 – Exploding Toothpaste
12.14 – Invisible Sunblock

12.08 – Coding Is Our Scratch
Computer (with internet access)
Scratch account from

12.09 – LEGO Language
LEGO baggies (two identical baggies with the exact same number of pieces of each size and color of LEGO in each bag)

12.10 – Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
Computer (with internet access)
Google Earth: can be downloaded at

12.11 – Lightbot
Computer (with internet access)
Play Lightbot at the following website:

12.12 – Edible Aquifer
1 plastic cup
Crushed ice
Blue food coloring
Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate cookie crumbs
Green sprinkles

12.13 – Exploding Toothpaste
Optional: markers, paper, scissors, and tape to create an “elephant toothpaste” decorative decal for the bottle(s)
Food coloring
Liquid dish soap
1 liter plastic soda bottle (clean and empty)
Measuring spoons
Safety glasses
Rubber gloves
Tarp or other material to cover table –OR– a foil pan with 2” sides
Small plastic cups
4 oz. package of dry yeast (fast-rising works best) – if using a jar, you will need 2¼ teaspoon
3% hydrogen peroxide (found at grocery store)  –OR– for an improved reaction, 12% (40 volume) hydrogen peroxide (found at beauty supply store)

12.14 – Invisible Sunblock
Strips of black construction paper (2” x 4” is a good size)
Non-nano sunblock (e.g. zinc oxide ointment, found at any drugstore)
Nano-sunblock with zinc oxide; make sure the product is labeled as “goes on clear” (refer to the list at the bottom of the activity for common nano-sunblock brands)
Paper towels
Picture with large white dots/black background (included below)
Picture with small white dots/black background (included below)
List of common mineral sunblocks/sunscreens (included below)