DeSTEMber Materials List


Activities for the week of December 1st-7th 2014

We are very excited for our first week of DeSTEMber!

Each Friday we will post the materials list for the upcoming week:

12.01 – Balloon Bugs
12.02 – Fashion Chromatography
12.03 – Wind Bag Wonder
12.04 – Constellation Light Box
12.05 – Rainforest in a Bottle
12.06 – Glaciers Galore
12.07 – DeSTEMber Fest @ Bullock

12.01 – Balloon Bugs
Hole Punch
Balloon bugs presentation (download here)
Balloons of different shapes and sizes, in particular: round, sausage and squiggly shapes
Balloon pump(s)- (optional)
Balloon bugs instruction cards (download here)
Double-sided tape
Permanent markers (various colors)
Tags for labeling the bacteria (download here)
Pipe cleaners, string and/or yarn (to represent flagella)
Rubber bands
Scissors (to cut around the tags)

12.02 – Fashion Chromatography
Isopropyl alcohol (90% or higher)
Small medicine dropper or disposable pipettes
Shallow container made of rigid material (e.g. cup, beaker or dish)
Rubber bands
White fabric: cotton t-shirt, bandana or scarf, washed & dried (do not use fabric softener)
Permanent markers, various colors (dark and/or bright colors work best)
Safety glasses

12.03 – Wind Bag Wonder
A Diaper Genie bag OR  
A 10-gallon or larger trash bag OR
Steve Spangler Windbag
available through Steve Spangler Science at

12.04 – Constellation Light Box
10-bulb LED light strands (should be readily available at dollar store)   
Empty cereal box
Picture of your chosen constellation
Reamer/hole punch
Acrylic paint: light blue, dark blue, and dark green (dark colors work best)
Palette (a bottle cap works well)    
White felt tip pen
Painters tape 
Wall sticker (optional)

12.05 – Rainforest In A Bottle
3-liter soda bottle (one per girl)
Grass/other plant seeds
Rubber bands
Window screen – 2 sizes: one to cover the mouth of the bottle and one to cover the thickest part of the bottle 

12.06 – Glaciers Galore
Glue stick
2 sheets of heavy weight paper (such as white card stock)
1 cut-copy of the 3-D Icelandic Glacier Model (available at

12.07 – DeSTEMber Fest @ Bullock
No materials today. Come join us for fun, winter-themed science activities at Bullock!