DeSTEMber Materials List


Activities for the week of December 22rd-28th

Here is what’s coming up this week:
12.22 – Rooftop Garden
12.23 – Partner video with Caldwell Zoo and Fossil Detectives
12.24 – Tech Tuesday including a SketchUp Challenge
12.25 – Electric Pinball
12.26 – Partner video with SciGirls
12.27 – Partner video with Moody Gardens and Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
12.28 – Sliding Science

12.22 – Rooftop Garden
2 small shoeboxes – should be at least 5 inches tall
2-4 thermometers (use digital thermometers if available)
6”x 6” sheets of dark plastic (trash bags)
Aluminum foil
Construction paper
Foam board strips
Glue gun/glue (optional)
Heat lamp
Heavy clear tape
Sheets of black sand paper
Small sections of sod/moss or pre-potted ground cover
Timer, clock, or stopwatch

12.23 – Partner video with Caldwell Zoo and Fossil Detectives
Materials for sedimentary fossil layer model
– 4 different colors of clay
– 3 small objects to represent fossils (shells, toy dinosaurs, small plastic plant leaves, etc)
– Paper or plastic cup
– Small amount of sand or dirt
Materials for excavating fossil model
– 2 paper plates
– Excavation tools – Toothpicks, craft sticks, cotton swabs, etc
– Small paint brush or toothbrush

12.24 – Tech Tuesday including a SketchUp Challenge
Mouse (not required but is easier to use)
Access to the internet (only if SketchUp isn’t already downloaded)

12.25 – Electric Pinball
3 oz. paper cup
9V battery and holder
Aluminum foil
Duct tape
Hook-up wire
Kick stick from December 19th
Paper clips
Ping pong ball
Shallow cardboard box (top of copier-paper box)
Wire strippers

12.26 – Partner video with SciGirls
Black construction paper
Clear nail polish
Eye dropper
Small pan

12.27 – Partner video with Moody Gardens and Google Earth Scavenger Hunt

12.28 – Sliding Science
2 straws
3-4 Lego “houses”
9” x 13” Aluminum pan
Large paper clip
Manilla folder
Plastic ruler
Poster board
Sand paper
Scotch tape
Timer or stopwatch