Joy Chik is a software design engineer who currently works as a corporate vice president for Microsoft. Chik graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1998 and first joined the Microsoft team as an intern. She rose through the ranks of software design to become a developmental lead in 2001, a development manager in 2004, a director of development in 2009, a director of engineering in 2014, and a corporate vice president in 2016. She is currently in charge of the Identity Division in Microsoft’s Cloud + AI group, and if you have ever used Office365, Skype, Outlook.com, Windows, Xbox, Surface, or Azure, you have interacted with the platform she runs! Outside of work, Joy enjoys traveling—she has visited every continent except Antarctica!—as well as yoga, hiking, biking, dining, and watching movies.
• Resource: https://aabusinessroundtable.org/speaker/joy-chik/
• Image Source: https://thewomenintechshow.com/2016/09/20/from-intern-to-corporate-vice-president-at-microsoft-with-joy-chik/