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Candle-Powered Pinwheel

December 30, 2020

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Meet Inês Azavedo!

Inês Azavedo works to solve complex engineering problems and discover sustainable solutions to climate change. A love for environmental engineering inspired her to get a doctorate in engineering and public policy, and she is currently a professor of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University. Professor Azavedo is passionate about solving problems that include environmental, technical, economic, and policy issues, where traditional engineering approaches play an important role but cannot provide a complete answer. In particular, she is interested in assessing how energy systems evolve. This requires comprehensive knowledge of the technologies that can address future energy needs and helps ensure that the world moves towards more sustainable energy systems, like wind and solar energy. Azavedo won the Clean Energy Education & Empowerment Research Award in 2017, earned the World Economic Forum’s “Young Scientists under 40” award in 2014, and has contributed to several National Research Council reports from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences on sustainable energy.

• Resource: https://profiles.stanford.edu/ines-azevedo
• Image Source: https://ines.stanford.edu/

Round and round it goes! Explore the power of candles’ convection heat as you make a pinwheel turn. From the number of candles to the angle of the blades, experiment with them both to adjust the speed of your spinning wheel.


December 30, 2020
Event Category:
31 Days of STEM Fun!


Thank you to DeSTEMber partners!

Byrd Polar
Climate Research Center
Dallas Arboretum
Hour of Code
The Franklin Institute
Science Action Club
Science is Elementary
Scientific Adventures