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Cookie Mining

December 23, 2020

Meet Kate McCarthy!

Kate McCarthy is a Senior Geologist at Golder and Professional Geologist in Texas. She always knew she wanted to be a scientist and discovered geology in college. In fact, Kate has been working in the environmental field for her entire career! An understanding of geology is critical to predicting how contaminants will move in the soil and groundwater and how they can be remediated to keep people and animals safe. While most of her time now is spent analyzing data and writing reports, some of the best days on the job were when, as a young geologist, she was in the field installing monitoring wells and collecting soil and groundwater samples.

Use delicious cookies to practice your mining skills! Calculate your economic profit to determine if mining for chocolate chip “mineral deposits” is worth the environmental cost.


December 23, 2020
Event Category:
31 Days of STEM Fun!


Thank you to DeSTEMber partners!

Byrd Polar
Climate Research Center
Dallas Arboretum
Hour of Code
The Franklin Institute
Science Action Club
Science is Elementary
Scientific Adventures