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Straw Labyrinth

December 5, 2020

Meet Becky Jeanes!

Becky Jeanes is an architect who runs Designtrait Architects, a small design company in Austin, Texas. Growing up around construction sites and real estate in Houston, she developed an avid interest in the built world. Becky loved art and math as a young girl, and one day, someone piqued her curiosity by saying, “You should be an architect.” She never turned back. Becky studied architecture in high school and went on to get her Masters of Architecture from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. In addition to running an architecture company, Jeanes has taught architecture enrichment programs in elementary schools and participated in various Girlstart programs. Now, with three daughters of her own, she finds a renewed mission to inspire young girls, just like herself, to see the world differently and find a spark where unbounded creativity meets mathematical formula.

Left, right, right, dead end! Construct an elaborate marble labyrinth from everyday materials. Explore different physics laws as you design a challenging maze!


December 5, 2020
Event Category:
31 Days of STEM Fun!


Thank you to DeSTEMber partners!

Byrd Polar
Climate Research Center
Dallas Arboretum
Hour of Code
The Franklin Institute
Science Action Club
Science is Elementary
Scientific Adventures