Candle-Powered Pinwheel

Inês Azavedo works to solve complex engineering problems and discover sustainable solutions to climate change. A love for environmental engineering inspired her to get a doctorate in engineering and public policy, and she is currently a professor of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University. Professor Azavedo is passionate about solving problems that include environmental, technical, …

Dream Big

The incredible Ruth Bader Ginsburg had big dreams and worked to make them come true! Dream big, like Ruth, as you imagine your future and plan for your goals.

Graphite Circuit

Can you illuminate an LED using graphite? Draw a design to make your LED shine as you explore circuitry with a sheet of paper and pencil. Meet Shruti Anand! Job Title: Core EDA Solutions Sales Manager at Synopsys Shruti Anand is an Electrical Engineer turned High-Tech Sales Professional working in Austin’s Semiconductor and Electronics Design …

Seed Germinator

Watch your garden grow! Observe how seeds can thrive when their basic needs -- air, water, nutrients, sunlight, and space -- are met. Meet Gioia Massa! Job Title: NASA Life Sciences Project Scientist Gioia Massa is a NASA scientist at Kennedy Space Center working on space crop production for the International Space Station and future …

31 Days of STEM Fun!


Thank you to DeSTEMber partners!

Byrd Polar Climate Research Center
Dallas Arboretum
The Franklin Institute
Science Action Club
Science is Elementary
Scientific Adventures
Frontiers of Flight
Bat Conservation International