Artic Migration

Duck... Duck... Goose! Explore Arctic Geese migration as you design a far-flying goose glider.

Austin, TX: DeSTEMber Bash @ Girlstart

Girlstart STEM Center 1400 W Anderson Lane, Austin, TX, United States

Celebrate 31 Days of STEM at Girlstart’s DeSTEMber Bash! Help Girlstart end our year strong with a sneak peek of DeSTEMber activities, hot chocolate bar, cookie decorating, stars shows, and more. Additional details and ticket pricing coming soon.

Circuit Reindeer

Light up the holiday night! Creating a glowing reindeer with a simple circuit as you channel your inner electrical engineer.

Science With Dee

What is a scientific craft that is perfect for winter? Borax crystal snowflakes! Make crystal snowflakes overnight with three simple ingredients: Borax, water, and pipe cleaners. Try twisting your pipe cleaners into different snowflake shapes and experiment with different colors using food coloring. Remember, every snowflake is unique!