Austin, TX: The Creek Show @ Waterloo Greenway

Penguin Watch

Count penguin adults, chicks, and eggs in faraway lands to help us understand their lives and environment. Penguins - globally loved, but under threat. Research shows that in some regions, penguin populations are in decline; but why? Select a 'workflow' project under "Get started" to begin monitoring penguins, and help scientists answer this question. Count penguins, chicks, and …

Human Computer

Snap, clap, snap, snap, stomp! Jump into the world of computers and play a game where you can only communicate using lines of code.

Change With Data

Sometimes it's hard to make a decision. But decision-making gets a little bit easier when there is data to back it up. In this activity, we'll set a goal then track some data. We'll study how that data helps or hurts our goal, then take action based upon the results. Are you ready? The IF/THEN® Collection …

Hour of Code

Participate in the Hour of Code™ 2022 with Girlstart as part of Computer Science Education Week! The Hour of Code™ is a global movement introducing tens of millions of students worldwide to computer science, inspiring kids to learn more, breaking stereotypes, and leaving them feeling empowered. The largest learning event in history!  Computers are everywhere, …