Austin, TX: STEM Girl Day @ UT Austin

Need For Speed

How fast can you make your car go?! Design a paper towel roll vehicle and observe the forces needed to power your car. Does your car move faster or slower the farther you pull the strings apart? Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List

Fizzy Fireworks

Fireworks are vibrant displays of light that brighten the sky on special occasions! Mimic these eye-catching displays using safe household liquids. Observe the chemical reaction that causes the colors to spread. Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List

Dream Big!

Wrap up the last day of DeSTEMber and rock into the New Year by thinking about your goals. When you set goals, it is important to dream big about what you want to achieve and how you are going to reach them. “Rock Out Your Dreams” as you decorate your own goals guitar to stay …

Austin, TX – Northwest Math and Science Night

Northwest Elementary School 14014 Thermal Dr., Austin, TX, United States

Girlstart will host a hands-on activity booth at Northwest Elementary School's upcoming Math and Science Night. This event is open to members of the school community.
