Austin, TX: Hot Science – Cool Talks @ UT Austin

Natural Dye Markers

The world is an array of different colors. Explore how you can use organic materials to make different dyes and create your own natural markers. Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List

Space Plastics

Plastic bags take about 450 years to decompose! That is a long time to wait while they take up space in a landfill, which is why many stores no longer provide them when you check out. However, you can create your own plastic-like substance from biological materials to observe the different properties of each. Click …


Parachute Parade Skydivers rely on parachutes to slow them down as they fall from frightening heights. Parachutes catch air and create drag, a force that works against gravity. Parachutes are usually large and made of lightweight materials, so they create the most drag possible without adding a lot of weight. Hone your engineering skills and …

Surface Tension Bath Toy

Have you ever seen bugs that can walk on water? Learn how surface tension allows bugs to walk on water and create your own toy raft that will not sink and can be propelled through the water.  Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List